Taillight problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob Cuesta, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. Bob Cuesta

    Bob Cuesta Guest

    My 98 T&C passenger-side upper parking light doesn't work. Only the
    top bulb, the one below works fine. All bulbs test fine. Brake light
    works. If I swap the passenger-side assembly to the drivers-side, the
    problem moves to the drivers side, so it's in the assembly.

    On the back of the assembly, there's 3 little bulb socket screw plugs
    that pop out, each with a bulb attached. They look like they have
    part numbers on them -- 8072 and 8072. I'm thinking one kind goes in
    certain holes, another in the others, but don't know which.

    Anybody know if there's a difference between the bulb sockets? Does a
    certain one have to be in a certain position?

    Bob Cuesta, Sep 28, 2003
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