T&C Van Noise - Fuel pump whine or ? Please Help!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by AR, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. AR

    AR Guest

    Need help diagnosing the following:
    Over the past 2-3 weeks my 98 TC van has begun making a
    whistling/whining noise that seems to come from the middle to rear of
    the vehicle and is more noticeable outside the vehcile, yet very
    audible inside the vehicle. The van starts and runs flawlessly as
    usual. No stalling, warning lights etc. I have a cheap OBD II Creader
    and it shows no error codes. The noise usually is not present first
    thing in the morning on my 10 minute drive to work. However, once the
    vehicle is warm the noise is there and sometimes seems to go away when
    the throttle is increased (even slightly), while at other times, it
    seems to go away when you let off of the throttle? When parking, the
    noise dies down about a second or two after the ignition is turned off
    (sort of like pressure bleeding off). According to the local dealer it
    may mean I need a new fuel pump (~$500). Before I do that, are there
    any other items I should check? Could a fuel filter problem cause
    these symptoms? Any other ideas? Thanks for any insights you can
    AR, Mar 30, 2005
  2. AR

    maxpower Guest

    Well you havent said the milage on this vehicle, but if the fuel filter is
    getting stopped up it may be putting a strain on the pump, If you are sure
    it is coming from the middle of the vehicle, that would be the the pump.
    Keep in mind that some noise is normal.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Mar 30, 2005
  3. AR

    AR Guest

    The mileage is approx. 120K, and the noise is definitely not the usual
    noise and is coming from the center/underside of the vehicle. I've had
    the van for several years and this is a new and recent development. I
    may try changing the filter first just to see if the situation
    improves. Thanks for the feedback.
    AR, Mar 30, 2005
  4. AR

    maxpower Guest

    With that kinda mileage on it, I would replace the pump if you plan on
    keeping the van, Pumps don't last forever and that noise may be the sign of
    it getting ready to crap out
    maxpower, Mar 30, 2005
  5. AR

    AR Guest

    Yes, I suppose you're right, and I do plan on keeping the van for at
    least a few more years. I'm just old enough to remember the days of
    $10 fuel pumps that you could change in 10 minutes, so $500 seems
    outrageous. I'm probably wasting time and risking a roadside breakdown
    with the filter replacement, so I'll just go ahead and take the van in
    for service including replacement of both the filter and the fuel pump
    (especially since I just found out that you need to drop the tank to
    replace the filter). Thanks for the reality check.
    AR, Mar 31, 2005
  6. AR

    Bob Shuman Guest

    You need not drop the entire tank to replace the filter ... who told you
    that was required?
    Bob Shuman, Mar 31, 2005
  7. AR

    maxpower Guest

    The tank just needs to be lowered, not removed, with a floor jack this could
    be done on the floor with an empty tank of gas, that is if you feel up to
    sliding under the van.
    Also keep in mind, you are buying a complete fuel pump module, sending unit
    and all, I wouldn't recommend using an after market pump, I have seen to
    many failures with those.

    Good Luck
    maxpower, Mar 31, 2005
  8. AR

    AR Guest

    Thanks for the help. Can't find my Haynes manual. Do the filter
    connections snap together or as someone on another forum suggested, do
    they need to be heat fitted? Can I replace the pump and filter without
    completely removing the tank? Any advice appreciated while I hunt for
    that darn manual.
    AR, Mar 31, 2005
  9. AR

    maxpower Guest

    maxpower, Mar 31, 2005
  10. AR

    dr who Guest

    had a t&c do that myself, turned out the exhaust was crimped at the rear and
    the whistling was coming from the drain hole on the bottom of the muffler
    due to increased backpressure.
    dr who, Mar 31, 2005
  11. AR

    AR Guest

    Thanks for the tip. I'll take a look at the exhaust before I buy the
    new pump. In your case, was the crimp at the tip end (outlet) of the
    exhaust, or somewhere else?
    AR, Mar 31, 2005
  12. AR

    AR Guest

    Okay, I went ahead and replaced the fuel pump and filter. Guess what?
    Still have the same noise from the rear of the vehicle. Any other
    ideas? Could this have something to do with the AWD or ABS? I'm not
    aware of any issues with either, but there isn't much else back there
    that could make noise only when the engine is running. By the way,
    changing the pump and filter was not a lot of fun, but I would do it
    again if I had to.
    AR, Apr 1, 2005
  13. AR

    maxpower Guest

    Why not have someone turn the key on while you listen to the back, then
    disconnect the fuel pump connector and turn the key on to see if it is
    gone????? The ABS pump motor is under the battery, the solonoid pack for the
    ABS is under the drivers seat, it makes no noise, the only thnig in the
    back would be the fuel pump.....are you hearing a normal noise??
    maxpower, Apr 1, 2005
  14. AR

    AR Guest

    Already tried listening underneath with the key on, and with the van
    running. Since replacing the pump & filter, the sound has not changed.
    I really doubt that both pumps would make exactly the same noise. As
    I said earlier, the noise is not normal and began about 3 weeks ago.
    It is loud enough to be easily heard inside the van with the windows up
    and engine running. Perhaps the noise is actually coming from some
    other area under the van since it is sort of a low pitched whistling
    that is almost impossible to pinpoint. I don't see any fluid leaks,
    but perhaps what I'm hearing is really a vacuum or pressure leak? Or
    maybe it is coming from near the engine compartment, I just don't know
    anymore. I'll do some more checking tomorrow.
    AR, Apr 1, 2005
  15. AR

    maxpower Guest

    Well yea, if it is coming from somewhere else that would explain it. Take a
    piece of heater hose and place it to your ear and use it as a stethoscope
    around the engine compartment to see if you can pinpoint it

    There is a vacuum hose going to the LDP (leak detection pump) just under
    the transmission, if that hose was off or broken you would hear a leak,
    BUT... the check engine lamp should be on setting a fault code for a leak
    detection pump failure....is that lamp on?
    maxpower, Apr 1, 2005
  16. AR

    AR Guest

    There are no warning lamps on (although all seem to be working when the
    key is turned on). There are no fault codes. I will do some more
    checking as soon as I can.
    AR, Apr 1, 2005
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