T+C Van intermittent starter problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by gary_jabo, Oct 5, 2005.

  1. gary_jabo

    gary_jabo Guest

    I'm having an intermittent problem with the starter in
    my 2000 T&C Limited, 111,000 mi, 3.8L V6.
    Any advice would be helpful.

    When I turn the key to start it, I hear the starter engage
    but it doesn't turn the motor. I turn off the key and do the
    same procedure and the car starts just fine.

    Now, I know what most of you are thinking -- bad battery.
    But I checked it. With the car cranking, the batter voltage
    is 11.5V. Even when the starter does its crazy non-turning
    thing the battery voltage is 11.5V. Voltage when car is off
    is 12.2V. and voltage when running is around 14V.

    So, maybe it is the starter cable. So I put the VOM on the
    starter post and did the same experiment. Same result, 11.5V
    on cranking, so I assume it is not the starter cable.

    Is there a solenoid in the starter housing somewhere, like the
    old GM starters. I have greate experience with the detachable
    solenoid on a GM model. Seems like they used that design for
    25 years.

    My final questions -- Is it worth putting in another starter,
    cost $100? Are there any other tests I can do?
    If I go through the trouble of removing the starter to have it
    bench tested, I might as well not waste time and just put in a
    new one.

    Gary J.
    Atlanta Georgia.
    Home of the Braves (Division champs for the past 14 years).
    gary_jabo, Oct 5, 2005
  2. gary_jabo

    Bob Shuman Guest

    yes, there is a solenoid on the starter assembly and the contacts get very
    dirty and pitted and stop working. The failure mode is pretty much what you
    have seen - intermittent starting and "click, no start". You can search
    this news groups archives to find out how to get replacement contacts for a
    cheap and permanent fix. The Nippondenso starters themselves rarely fail.
    Given you hear the click, this seems to indicate the ignition key and
    starter relay are working properly.

    All this said, your battery voltage at 11.5VDC and 12.2VDC sounds extremely
    low if the
    solenoid does not engage. You should make sure the battery and the cable
    connections are good.

    Good luck and post your findings for others to benefit as well.

    Bob Shuman, Oct 5, 2005
  3. gary_jabo

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    IOWs, it just clicks...
    The solenoid is integral to the starter but VERY repairable.
    You can buy the parts needed at:

    You need one each of part number(s)
    SCC3401 and SCC3404
    at 29 and 39 cents apiece, it's a cheap, easy reliable repair.
    Uh, no. You'll just get a piece of crap of unknown quality.
    The starter is easily accessed and held on by two bolts.

    Just did one yesterday, took all of 1/2 hour.
    aarcuda69062, Oct 5, 2005
  4. gary_jabo

    Fieronut Guest

    I have a very similar problem.

    My '96 T&C will turn over a few times, not start, then nothing. I hear no
    clicks except inside the car in the block below the steering column.

    I have the BIIIG shop Chrysler book. I have done all the procedures,
    except check the park/neutral switch.

    When I run the wire from the B+ of the battery to the #87 of the starter
    relay, the engine turns over very well but, with the key on, will not
    start, so it is not the solenoid, starter or battery.

    I changed the ignition switch (had to buy a whole SET of the torx sockets
    with the holes in the middle) it made no difference. I took it to the
    repair shop--IT ALWAYS STARTED THERE. According to them, they started it
    300 times... I can always tell when it WILL start because, after driving
    for a while, if the temp needle goes up, it will start. If it DOESN'T go
    up, it won't. The gas gauge works whether the car will start or not. We
    decided that POSSIBLY it was the park/neutral safety switch. I told them
    to order it and put it in. When it came, it did not look like the switch
    in the shop manual. The shop guy told me they had to remove the valve
    body and other things to install it. So I told them to forget it.

    The shop manual shows the switch above the pan on the OUTSIDE of the
    transaxle. So there evidently has been an update since the manual was

    All it all, it is a very frustrating situation. I rarely turn off the van
    because I may not start--or it may, just never know.

    Any suggestions?
    Fieronut, Oct 8, 2005
  5. It sounds to me like you got a heavy-current wire from the battery that has
    bad/corroded/loose contact. Not bad enough to be disconnected, just bad
    enough to reduce voltage at the engine computer/interior/etc.

    In all the traversals this van has taken, did anyone even once put a volt
    meter on it and measure to see if there was a voltage difference between,
    say the cig lighter, and the battery?

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Oct 9, 2005
  6. gary_jabo

    Fieronut Guest

    <It sounds to me like you got a heavy-current <wire from the battery that
    has a
    <bad/corroded/loose contact. Not bad enough to <be disconnected, just bad
    enough to reduce <voltage at the engine computer/interior/etc.

    While that may be true, if so, why does the starter turn over at what I
    consider FULL SPEED when I run a wire from the battery positive terminal
    0R from the #30 terminal to #87 on the starter relay, which goes directly
    to the solenoid? In other words, I'm eliminating the starter switch on
    the steering column, and shooting juice directly to the solenoid. And it
    will turn over....not always START, even with the ignition switch turned
    to RUN..but it does turn over normal speed--fast. I feel there is a
    problem SOMEWHERE in a circuit that goes to BOTH the starter solenoid AND
    the ignition. Just can't find it.

    <In all the traversals this van has taken, did <anyone even once put a
    volt ohm meter on it and <measure to see if there was a voltage difference
    <between, say the cig lighter, and the battery?

    Altho I really don't KNOW, according to the guy at the shop, they did all
    the ohm tests called for in the shop manual and found nothing. It really
    is very frustrating since I NEVER know when it will or won't start. Since
    it left the shop 4 days ago, I started on a very long trip and it started
    all but 2 times. But those 2 times were at a gas station and the check-in
    parking at the motel. I usually just don't turn it off until I'm in a
    place where I intend to stay for a long time, usually overnite. Very
    strange car.

    Fieronut, Oct 9, 2005
  7. gary_jabo

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Another thought: Could it be somehow related to the alarm? Is there a
    starter cut out or fuel pump cut out on that model and year that might give
    you the symptoms you are observing?

    Bob Shuman, Oct 10, 2005
  8. gary_jabo

    Fieronut Guest

    <Could it be somehow related to the alarm? Is <there a starter cut out or
    fuel pump cut out on <that model and year that might give you the
    <symptoms you are observing?

    I guess that could be possible but the alarm works OK. As for a fuel pump
    or starter cutout, I think that might be covered by the park/neutral
    switch--or maybe not. That is the ONE thing we didn't change because of
    the necessity of removing the valve body and other transaxle components.
    Maybe we should have. It has been starting fine these past couple of
    days--as it did at the shop--but there is always the next time...:-(

    Thanx for all the help...maybe I just need to trade it off and let the
    NEXT guy worry about it. ;-)

    Fieronut, Oct 10, 2005
  9. gary_jabo

    gary_jabo Guest

    Greetings - Here's a followup on my 2000 T&C starter problems
    BINGO - Many thanks to aarcuda69062 (see response below).
    Saved me lots of $$$$$.
    I cleaned the starter contacts and put the starter back.
    Ordered the parts as described in the reply.
    It works fine with cleaned contacts but I need to replace the
    contacts when the parts come in. The contacts are only sold
    in lots of 10, so I will have 9 spares. Anyone want some?

    Gary Jablonski
    gary_jabo, Oct 11, 2005
  10. gary_jabo

    Fieronut Guest

    The contacts are only sold in lots of 10, so I will have 9 spares. Anyone
    want some?

    I'll take a set. Can pay with PayPal?

    Fieronut, Oct 11, 2005
  11. gary_jabo

    Fieronut Guest

    I think I may be closing in on the problem. The van didn't start a couple
    of times today but when I played with the gearshift, FINALLY it would
    start. I think it probably is that park/neutral safety switch in the
    transaxle. I can hardly wait to pay for THAT fix!

    Fieronut, Oct 11, 2005
  12. gary_jabo

    Fieronut Guest

    Had my van towed to the dealer because it flat WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING
    starting-wise. Cost $652 for a new TCM--plus 2 days of rent car ($167)
    and 2 taxi rides to various places ($60). But now it works fine EXCEPT
    the idle is 1200-1300 (was 700 before) and with the cruise set, when going
    down a hill (not up) the trans shifts from 4th to 3rd. I called the dealer
    and was told that the computer has to learn everything again. Wish I knew
    how long THAT takes. Anyway, it is fixed and it WAS NOT the park/neutral
    Fieronut, Oct 16, 2005
  13. gary_jabo

    gary_jabo Guest

    Here's a follow-up.

    Please read other postings of this thread.
    They mention starter contact replacement parts.
    I got the parts but they are sold in lots of 10.
    I have lots of spares now. Anybody that wants a
    set of contacts, post a reply and I'll contact you.
    Parts will be free, just pay shipping (about $2).

    Regards, and thanks for all the replies.
    Special thanks to the member that posted the part
    numbers. They helped me a lot. I saved $100.

    Gary J.
    gary_jabo, Oct 22, 2005
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