T&C Seat Warmer Campaign

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Piperson, Dec 17, 2005.

  1. Piperson

    Piperson Guest

    This past spring, I had my '99 T&C Limited into Chrysler to get the
    clockspring and seat warmer campaigns taken care of. The passenger seat
    had been working fine to that point, but the driver seat would get hot
    very quickly. It had to be turned off within 2 minutes of operation to
    save a very hot butt. The reworks took nearly all day, since it was one
    of the first this dealership had done.

    I was told at that time that the new design would be slower overall to
    heat the seats. That was an understatement. The driver seat takes
    nearly 10 minutes before one might move the control from High to Low. I
    am not even sure that the passenger seat gets any warmer than the heat
    provided by the butt sitting on it.

    What experiences are others having with this campaign repair?
    Piperson, Dec 17, 2005
  2. Piperson

    maxpower Guest

    The old seat element is still attached to the seat cover. the wires were the
    only thing removed. The new element is now attached to the seat cushion. It
    is just a tape design element which now has to transfer the heat not only
    thru the seat cover but now needs to go thru the old material seat element.
    Thus making the seat take longer to warm up and possibly not as hot.

    Hope this makes sense!!
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Dec 17, 2005
  3. Piperson

    jdoe Guest

    So Glenn
    What actually is going wrong with them. My 99 still needs to have it done.
    What are the pitfalls of ignoring it. Also wondering if you could get your
    hands on the instructions for puting the cap on the strut tower. I
    understand from the TSB that the instructions are in the box. I am debating
    on attempting the repair myself but I'd like to see them posted maybe B4 I
    attempt it.
    jdoe, Dec 18, 2005
  4. Piperson

    maxpower Guest

    You should have gotten the recall notice and it explains in there about what
    could happen, I have seen some seat covers with burn marks in them but most
    just become inop. The TSB does not give instructions. As you found out, they
    are in the box. If your vehicle is within the provisions of warranty (rust
    protection) have you talked to the dealer to see if it is covered?

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Dec 18, 2005
  5. Piperson

    jdoe Guest

    I have GLenn and it is definitely out. It has over 175k on it. I know there
    is a hardware kit and a special 2 part strutural adhesive. The job does not
    look too awful bad but I have no clear cut idea of what is actually
    necessary if the rust is getting more than cosmetic as mine has. I think if
    I let it go it will last maybe 6 mos. more. Thing is I really like the
    vehicle so would like to fix that and the rat nibble on the driver side rear
    wheel well area. Cheapest quote I got from a place I would trust is $525 to
    repair. Being the forever cheapskate I could save over half that by avoiding
    the body shop and using the hardware kit and structural adhesive kits.
    jdoe, Dec 19, 2005
  6. Piperson

    harts Guest

    When I was with DC and the recall came out, I was based in a Canadian Zone.
    We had one guy who complained before the recall came out, and the seat
    warmer burned through the leather, and his pants. Not very pleasant. The
    Service Rep sent the pants and entire seat to Detroit engineering. The
    Service Rep even had the guy sit in the Van with those pants on to prove
    they were from that area.
    harts, Dec 19, 2005
  7. Piperson

    Piperson Guest


    Quit hijacking my thread. Start your own.

    Strut tower repairs have nothing to do with Seat Warmers.
    Piperson, Dec 19, 2005
  8. Piperson

    jdoe Guest

    It almost sounds like something from a comedy movie ;-)
    jdoe, Dec 19, 2005
  9. Piperson

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I used our 1999 T&C driver's side seat warmer today (outside temp was 10
    degrees F) and it took exactly 7 minutes before I even felt the warmer was
    on. This compares to about 1 or 2 minutes max prior to the seat recall
    campaign. Seems consistent with your experience and Glenn's information. I
    agree it renders them pretty useless for short trips to the store, etc.

    Bob Shuman, Dec 19, 2005
  10. Piperson

    jdoe Guest

    I didn't HIJACK S^&T! I simply asked a trusted contributor to this group a
    question! So get off it. As a matter of fact I asked him TWO questions one
    of which dealt with SEAT WARMERS! So get your undies out of a bunch!
    jdoe, Dec 20, 2005
  11. Piperson

    Will Halina Guest

    My 99 T&C had no burning issues before this recall and now I'm a bit
    disappointed that I had it done. After the dealer did the recall, I was
    convinced that the low setting was now not working at all. Further testing
    showed about a 15 minute response - by that time it's not needed! As far as
    I'm concerned, the option does not function as intended any more.

    Has anyone had the process reversed by the dealer?

    Will Halina, Dec 23, 2005
  12. Piperson

    Piperson Guest

    Thank you for your courtesy. I would be nice of you to brush up on net
    Piperson, Dec 23, 2005
  13. Good luck!
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 23, 2005
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