T&C headlite fogging ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Zork, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. Zork

    Zork Guest

    Have an '03 T&C and to varying degrees depending on the weather, the
    inside of the headlight/turnsignal module collects water on the inside.
    Sometimes completely covered, other times just a small amount.
    Dealer says this is 'normal'. Not that I don't trust the dealer
    of course.....BUT.....any others with this situation and is it
    really common ?
    Thanks !
    Zork, Jun 9, 2004
  2. Define "collects water". If it is a finely-atomized mist of water that
    goes away within a minute or so of turning on the headlamp, then yes, it's
    fairly normal. If it is enough water that actual visible drops form or
    there's any standing water in the bottom of the lamp, then no, it's not
    normal. As usual, Chrysler cheaped-out on the North American market
    headlamps for these vans. Sometimes you can improve the headlamp's
    breathing enough to alleviate the situation by removing the bulb, removing
    its rubber O-ring and reinstalling the bulb without the O-ring. This can
    compensate for inadequate original venting provisions. However, if the
    bulb does not fit securely in its holder without the O-ring (bulb can be
    wiggled around -- test this after installing the bulb retainer ring) then
    you can't use this fix on your lamp.

    The rest-of-world Chrysler minivans get much, much nicer ZKW-made
    headlamps with twin H7 bulbs.

    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 9, 2004
  3. Zork

    Dan Larsen Guest

    Dan Larsen, Jun 9, 2004
  4. Daniel J. Stern, Jun 9, 2004
  5. Zork

    Richard Guest


    Sure Dan; tease us like that!

    Why don't you find a nice source for us to supply reasonably priced European
    headlights and tail lights? OK, I know, you've tried. There must be some way
    to crack this nut.

    Richard, Jun 11, 2004
  6. 'cause they cost more than $39.50/ea.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 11, 2004
  7. Zork

    Lisa Horton Guest

    Wouldn't better headlights be worth more than $39.50?

    Lisa Horton, Jun 11, 2004
  8. Yes, of course. I was reacting sardonically to the unmeetable requirement
    that they be "reasonably priced". There's a reason the rest-of-world
    headlamps and taillamps cost more to buy: They cost more to make.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 11, 2004
  9. Zork

    Richard Guest

    Fair comment Dan. But I was not demanding that they cost only $39.50, but
    that we could tap into a wholesale source that would deduct the VAT and
    charge reasonable shipping. Sounds like something you should be able to tap
    into. I assume you have assumed the market is too limited to make this a
    viable business for you.

    Richard, Jun 12, 2004
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