T&C chrome wheels bad?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Zork, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Zork

    Zork Guest

    Have an '03 T&C Limited with the chrome wheels, 27k miles.
    Lots of brake dust of course, but last time I attempted to
    clean them, I find that they are becoming pitted to the point
    where the 'black crud' no longer comes off completely.
    Is this a normal occurance, or is it possible the wheels
    would be replaced ?
    Any others with this problem ?
    Thanks !
    Gary Robinson
    Zork, Jun 7, 2005
  2. Sounds like the same problem I had with my 300C chrome wheels. Chrysler
    replaced them, they were defective as were hundreds if not thousands of
    others. I'll bet your in the same boat.
    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Jun 8, 2005
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