Suzuki/Consumer Union lawsuit dismissed

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Art, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. Art

    Art Guest

    I believe there was a long thread on this several months ago in this group.
    Both sides agreed to disagree regarding the validitiy of the CU rollover
    test and to dismiss the case. No money changed hands (except to, their
    respective lawyers, I am sure). Suzuki said they were happy to clean the
    slate and Consumer Reports said that once again no one has been successful
    sueing them over the published results of one of their tests. (Though I
    believe CU once settled with Bose who did not think their review of their
    speakers was fair.)
    Art, Aug 6, 2004
  2. Art

    Steve m... Guest

    That lawsuit was stupid anyway. When CU wrote about it in April I sent GM
    and Suzuki my reply about it. I basically told them that that Samurai was
    junk and that was why sales plummented. Not because of some CU response.
    It was easy to see that it was a cheaply built (and crappy) SUV (if you can
    even call it that). I got a nice "keep your mind open" letter back from
    their lawyers which I promptly threw out.
    In the press article about the dismiss they mentioned that Suzuki has 2
    new SUV's coming out. In my letter to them I said that it would be
    inappropriate to buy a SUV from them if they are sueing the press over a
    demeaning article. Why would anyone trust them if it is true and the press
    is being forced to comply by lawsuits. I'm glad to see it's over.
    Steve m..., Aug 7, 2004
  3. Art

    Art Guest

    What I thought was interesting is that, if I understood the press release
    properly, Suzuki did not sue at the initial report but years later when
    Consumer Reports put the unacceptable rating on a time line they published.
    Art, Aug 7, 2004
  4. Art

    Richard Guest

    True story: I had heard about the failed test in CU on the radio while
    driving on the interstate in NY and there on the side of the road was a
    rolled over Suzuki SUV. What are the odds?

    Richard, Aug 7, 2004
  5. Art

    Jack Baruth Guest

    FWIW the Samurai is actually a pretty decent low-cost off-roader, for
    all values of off-roader which equal "driving trails off-road for
    pleasure", not for those which equal "driving 80mph on the freeway and
    planning an off-road excursion some time in the next twenty years."
    I have seen them accomplish some very difficult climbs, particuarly
    once fitted with the proper wheels and tires.

    On-road, yeah, they're a menace, and they *do* tend to rust out before
    their time.
    Jack Baruth, Aug 9, 2004
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