styling crap I'm sick of

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mark french, Aug 5, 2003.

  1. mark french

    mark french Guest

    1. Those 3-d chrome taillight pods. Enough already. At first it was unusual
    looking, now every freaking car and SUV has them. Talk about stick-on styling.
    And now people are even putting them on old cars, makes me think of the
    lame-ass fad of people putting rectangular headlights on their old cars in the
    70's to make stupid people think they've got a new hoopty.
    2. Plastic body cladding/fenders. Ugly, dull, colorless. Why put ANY metal
    on the outside of the car, just make a big giant version of a Weinermobile and
    make the whole skin out of polyvinyl. That new SUV thingee (a Honda I think?)
    is the worst - big grey, plastic squares just stuck onto the fenders. How
    attractive. Chevy Avalanche is a runner-up.
    3. Both 1 and 2 are making me wish they'd bring the tailfin back.
    mark french, Aug 5, 2003
  2. That stupid Honda thing looks like a high top athletic shoe. It makes
    the AMC Pacer look as graceful as an eagle by comparison.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Aug 5, 2003
  3. mark french

    zzz Guest

    On 05 Aug 2003 02:53:10 GMT, (mark french)
    Hey, they could manufacture big polyvinyl aftermarket tail fins with the
    3-d chrome taillight pods in them. Just think, you could install them
    in minutes - everyone could have a pair.

    Some people, in a meager effort at trying to distinguish themselves
    would put dual pairs on their cars
    zzz, Aug 5, 2003
  4. mark french


    Funniest one I've seen is a body decal designed to look like a little vent or
    louver. I saw one the other day on a car just behind the front wheel well-- I
    guess you are supposed to think that this Neon, or whatever it was was so
    muscular that the brakes would overheat slowing it down unless they had
    additional ventilation...

    Got wood?
    Check out my exotic hardwood pennywhistles at fair
    BREWERPAUL, Aug 5, 2003
  5. mark french

    Phil Guest

    Excellent observation. The old tricks no longer generate the "wow"
    effect as did the styling excesses of the '50s.

    To my eye, the '78 VW Rabbit was a very successful exercise in
    styling. If you remember, it was one of the first cars to do away
    with chrome bumpers. Mine was off-white and had a very stylish red
    racing stripe down the sides. Very clever, those Germans. All done
    with paint! Proves that tastefull styling can be accomplished at low
    cost and no added weight or air friction.
    Phil, Aug 5, 2003
  6. mark french

    MajorDomo Guest

    They are not powered, simply free wheeling. Expensive and
    made of plastic. They stick out past the wheel and are
    easily damaged by curbing.

    mike hunt
    MajorDomo, Aug 5, 2003
  7. mark french

    Art Begun Guest

    Are you sure there are no powered models? The car was stationary for
    a heck of a long time and they kept on rotating at what appeared to be
    a constant rate. Would be neat if they had remote control motors so
    you could adjust the speed and direction as you drove so the car
    looked stationary. In fact, lets hook them into the AT directly.
    Art Begun, Aug 6, 2003
  8. mark french


    78 VW Rabbit was a very successful exercise in
    Best "vanity" plate I ever saw was on a White Rabbit: IML8 IML8

    Got wood?
    Check out my exotic hardwood pennywhistles at fair
    BREWERPAUL, Aug 6, 2003
  9. mark french

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    The new RR Phantom has magnetic hub caps which always keep the "RR" pointed
    right-side up!
    Lloyd Parker, Aug 6, 2003
  10. mark french

    RPhillips47 Guest

    They are actually weighted.
    RPhillips47, Aug 6, 2003
  11. mark french

    NJ Vike Guest


    You must be referring to the Element. Yes, disgusting but in a tie with that
    Pontiac Aztec.

    I also hate those taillight pods. It's a kid thing. Looks like J. C. Whitney
    threw-up on the vehicle.

    NJ Vike, Aug 7, 2003
  12. mark french

    NJ Vike Guest

    Just free spinning and expensive. Some Guido attempted to sell me a pair
    when looking for chrome wheels for my Expedition. Too bad most manufacturers
    are cheap (Chrysler excluded) to make chrome wheels an option.

    NJ Vike, Aug 7, 2003
  13. mark french

    MajorDomo Guest

    My Lincoln LS has chromed aluminum wheels, it came from the
    factory that way. ;)

    mike hunt
    MajorDomo, Aug 7, 2003
  14. mark french

    RPhillips47 Guest

    As ugly as the Element is, it doesn't tie with the Aztec (it wins hands-down
    for the ugliest vehicle to hit the road in a long, long time).
    RPhillips47, Aug 8, 2003
  15. mark french

    RPhillips47 Guest

    After reading this I must clarify that I meant the Aztec is the ugliest, not
    the Element. Sorry!
    RPhillips47, Aug 8, 2003
  16. mark french

    MelvinGibson Guest

    The Element makes the Pontiac Aztec look like a beauty contest
    winner. Honda expected the young folk to buy the Element, but
    all the few I've seen around here are driven by old guys. Must
    be those with Glaucoma LOL
    MelvinGibson, Aug 8, 2003
  17. mark french

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    True. The only close one to it is (was) the Isuzu VehiCross.
    Lloyd Parker, Aug 8, 2003
  18. mark french

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    What about Toyota's new Scion line? Apparently they also think young people
    like underpowered boxes.
    Lloyd Parker, Aug 8, 2003
  19. mark french

    Steve Guest

    What can I say, except "AMEN!!"
    Steve, Aug 8, 2003
  20. mark french

    mark french Guest

    I agree they are both hideous, but the Element manages to be hideous AND
    totally boring to boot, even before you get close enough to one to see the
    plastic fenders, it looks like a perfectly rectangular box with one corner
    sliced out of it...Frenchy
    mark french, Aug 9, 2003
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