Stupid Question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Guest, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    A freind of mine brought his 300 Hemi in for service to his Dodge dealer
    and thay said he needed a tuneup. This service person said he had 12
    spark plugs. Yes 12????? Now I don't know anything about his engine but
    I found that strange. I know V8's are 8 cylinder so is this stupid or
    what?????? Are thay just trying to rip him off like most Stealer's do?
    Thanks, Charlie
    Guest, Feb 17, 2009
  2. Guest

    MoPar Man Guest

    I changed the plugs in my 300m after 8 years (75k miles). You shouldn't
    need to change plugs on a relatively new car at this point.
    That's wrong.

    Chrysler never made a 12 cylinder engine (at least not in a production

    Most was the 10 cylinder engine (take a small block 360 and add 2 more
    cylinders). That engine was put into the Viper and some Dodge Ram's I
    think - and nothing else. I don't think that even the SRT's had 10
    cylinder engines.
    MoPar Man, Feb 18, 2009
  3. Guest

    Road Runner Guest

    They must be lazy at that dealer. Gen 3 hemis are dual plug so it
    should have 16.
    Road Runner, Feb 18, 2009
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Now that you mentioned it I think his is a 2007 300 SRT. This car has
    great lines and all black with very little chrome makes it more
    Guest, Feb 18, 2009
  5. Guest

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    The Hemi has 16 plugs. AFAIK, Chrysler has never made a twin-plug
    six. So your friend either needs a new mechanic or needs to clean the
    wax out of his ears ('cause he misheard, or didn't get some details
    about a bad ignition system frying 3/4 of the plugs, or something).
    Joe Pfeiffer, Feb 18, 2009
  6. Guest

    C-BODY Guest

    Sounds like an over-zealous service writer that didn't see the rear dual
    exhaust pipes. OR he could only see the front three cylinders on each
    side, but knew it was a dual-plug setup. Hence, 12 spark plugs.

    If they are using platinum spark plugs, no real need to change them
    until about 100K or so.

    Sounds like a flakey deal!

    C-BODY, Feb 22, 2009
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