Stratus rear window

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dillon Family, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. The driver's side rear power window in my '02 Stratus 4-door is stuck in the
    "down" position. I had rolled all the windows down to cool off the car
    prior to turning on the a/c, and I was able to get them all back up except
    the left rear. Neither the switch on the door itself or the remote switch
    by the driver will work. The other three windows work fine, although
    they're going to stay in the "up" position for now.

    I'm calling the dealer tomorrow; have taken everything of value out of the
    car and have taped over the window with a thick gauge plastic; unable to
    park in a garage. Any opinions on what the problem could be?
    Motor...switch? Any user-serviceable parts inside? I guess there's no way
    to "force" the window into the "up" position pending repair, huh?

    Had a similar problem on our '00 Intrepid, but the window winder motor made
    an awful screeching noise before it died. There was no noise at all in the
    Strat's case.

    Thanks much.
    Dillon Family, Aug 5, 2005
  2. Dillon Family

    Robert Meyer Guest

    I'd guess a broken track belt. Should be able to raise the window by placing
    your palms on the glass and pushing up. Good luck.

    Robert Meyer, Aug 5, 2005
  3. Bob -

    Thanks for the reply. I tried pushing up on the glass, but no luck.

    Couldn't the motor still be heard, even if the belt is broken?

    It goes in the shop Thursday. We have a pretty good seal with the plastic
    and packaging tape; we took the valuables out and it has an alarm system.
    But wish I could fix it or at least get the window up. No idea how to even
    get the door trim off. And we don't dare roll down the other windows, lest
    we can't get them back up.

    All the best.
    Dillon Family, Aug 5, 2005
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