Strange power problem in '96 GV

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Matt Ion, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. Matt Ion

    Matt Ion Guest

    Got a '96 Grand Voyager that until last night had never shown any
    problems with the charging system.

    Last night though, I unlocked the door with my key (didn't have the
    remote handy), and when I opened the door, the alarm started going
    off... okay, no problem... put the key in the ignition, turn it...

    And everything went near-dead. Nasty click-click-click from under the
    dash, lights really dim, not enough juice to start. Turn it off, get
    out, close the door, open the hood... underhood light comes on bright...
    open the door, and all lights dim... try to start, and not enough juice.

    Managed to jump-start it, but all the way home it was behaving strangely
    - slowing to a stop, the idle would drop, almost die, lights all dim...
    then pick up and idle nicely again. I could turn on lights, blower...
    all fine until I turn on the defroster, and everything would dim again.

    Got it home, put a meter on the battery... 14.5 volts. Lights on,
    blower on, all fine... defroster on, and it drops to 5V and then back up
    to just under 12V, until I rev it up a bit, and then it's back to
    charging. Turned the engine off, and everything went dead again, just
    barely enough juice to activate the power locks.

    Sounds like an alternator problem at this point, but when I started
    working on it this morning things really started getting weird: I put a
    charger on it, and the underhood light blinks fast. I put a meter on
    it, and I read under 12V on fast-charge, down to 10V on slow-charge.
    WTF? Disonnect the charger, and the clicking begins again under the dash.

    Thinking maybe the battery has a shorted cell or something, I
    disconnected the negative terminal... now putting the charger on the
    battery gives a solid 14V on slow- or fast-charge. So the battery seems
    to be fine. Without further testing, alternator seems to be alright...
    it's almost like there's a short or something else intermittant drawing
    tons of power.

    Anyone have any other ideas?

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    Matt Ion, Feb 18, 2006
  2. Matt Ion

    Dipstick Guest

    Last night though, I unlocked the door with my key (didn't have >the remote handy), and when I opened the door, the alarm started >going off... okay, no problem... put the key in the ignition, turn it...

    Bad connection, most likely at a battery cable.
    Dipstick, Feb 19, 2006
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