stating problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by 331729, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. 331729

    331729 Guest

    Of course, I fix this damn AC and when I bring the fiance over to give
    her her damn car back the car wont start

    When I turn it on the dash light rapidly clicks real fast instead of
    starting, Now here's the weird part, in the main relay place inside the
    engine compartment (the long skinny one) there are some clicks when I
    try to start it, also in the main fuse box in the car a relay clicks
    too, any help is appreciated!

    HELP ME BILL! :)
    331729, Aug 3, 2006
  2. 331729

    maxpower Guest

    sounds like a battery to me!! Now im just curious, what did you do to the

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Aug 3, 2006
  3. 331729

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I agree sounds like a battery, but could also be a bad connection at the
    battery as well. Any chance you removed the connector and it is either
    oxidized or you did not get it on tight? maybe you broke the connection
    internal to the post if you used force and the connector did not come off
    the post easily?

    Bob Shuman, Aug 3, 2006
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