starting problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by steve, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. steve

    steve Guest

    MY GJC laredo 93, awd, automatic eight cylinder. Finally gave me the
    slip last night. I got into it and when I rotated the key to start it
    there was no resistance at all while the cylinder freely rotated to its
    farthest position Normally there is resistance when you turn the key.
    I had problems with an intermittent start to that point but though it
    was the battery, but battery was always strong.
    So I got past the tamper proof screw learning curve and removed the key
    cylinder (on steering column) along with the square box that it is
    attached to and noticed that the sliding plate that is actuated by the
    cylinder key rod (lack of better term) that slides along the steering
    column is just sliding freely, not providing any resistance at all
    either. I assume that the sliding plate performs the function of
    triggering the different positions on the ignition switch? (ignition
    switch attached lower down the steering column?) Also I am assuming
    that for what ever reason that sliding plate is attached to something
    between it and the ignition switch or the ignition switch itself which
    is the resistance I am suppose to feel when I turn the tumbler. For
    clarification I have a picture at
    Please copy and paste the link "as is" into your browser to get to the
    My question is: Shall I go deeper and replace the ignition switch or
    have I got another problem between that plate and the ignition switch
    lower down the steering column Thankyou for what ever help you can
    give me
    steve, Jul 26, 2006
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