
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by deeners, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. deeners

    deeners Guest

    Ok so I don't know the whole scoop here but we've been trying to
    replace my starter in my 01 neon. Should not be too difficult, right.
    NO, dumb starter is not coming out! Top bolt came out easily enough
    but the bottom one is not going to come out because it was put in on
    the wrong side. I guess that must have been done prior to the engine

    This link is to my blog where you will find a pic of the stupid

    Any help, suggestions, ideas etc. are appreciated and encouraged!

    deeners, Oct 22, 2007
  2. deeners

    philthy Guest

    pry starter away from belhousing then cut off bolt between both mating surfaces with die
    grinder the starter is a core so we don't care if the bolt is left in it
    philthy, Oct 22, 2007
  3. deeners

    Bill Putney Guest

    The bolt apperas to possibly be tilted/cross-threaded. Anyway - how
    about drilling into the thread tip end - hopefully the bit will grab
    enough to turn it right on out - since you're going into the back end, a
    right hand bit is perfect for spinning it out - sharp bit, slow speed -
    you want it to grab. Use a large bit (larger than 1/8"), but not so
    large it goes anywhere near the threads even if it goes in a little off
    center. If it's not cross-threaded, this should definitely work. If
    cross-threaded, naybe not. Try to relieve any binding on the bolt by
    lifting the starter up - increase the chances of the bolt turning.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Oct 22, 2007
  4. deeners

    uccoskun Guest

    I would but the other bolt back in and tight it nicely. It will take
    some load from the second bolt. It might help you take it out easily,
    or sell the car and let the second owner send us another email. ;)
    uccoskun, Nov 1, 2007
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