Starter system died

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by redfin00, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. redfin00

    redfin00 Guest

    My 1989 Lebaron 2.5 Turbo shut down at a stop sign. When I turn the
    ignition, there is no power to the starter. Also, the radio, heater, and
    instrument cluster are out. The other power accessories and lights work. I
    replaced the starter and the starter relay. Where can I look for this
    redfin00, Jun 17, 2005
  2. redfin00

    Bill Putney Guest

    Sounds like it's time to break out Mr. Shop Manual (schematics) and Mr.
    Multimeter. There may be a fuse that controls the items that you
    mention that are not working (not familiar with that vehicle's
    electrical system).

    You replaced the starter and starter relay when other things besides the
    starter quit working at the same time? That was extravagant! So did
    the radio, heater, and instrument cluster start working with the new
    starter? Seriously - from the scehmatic, find in the power system what
    controls only the things that are not working, and use the multimeter to
    find the problem. Power system cable? Ignition switch? Fusible link?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jun 17, 2005
  3. Er...why did you replace the starter and the starter relay? In all
    likelihood, both items were just fine. It sounds like you've blown a
    fusible link. You're going to need a factory service manual
    (Haynes/Chilton won't get the job done) and a test light or voltmeter.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 17, 2005
  4. redfin00

    kmatheson Guest

    I had a similar problem with my Dodge Spirit. The "smaller" cable that
    comes off the positive cable was not making proper connection. I
    cleaned the connector, and that solved the problem.

    kmatheson, Jun 17, 2005
  5. redfin00

    PC Medic Guest

    A failed Starter/Relay would not cause the vehicle to die once running, only
    keep it from starting. So I think you jumped the gun on this one.
    If you do not have a Service Manual, I would try to get one (preferably
    factory over a Chilton's/Haynes).
    PC Medic, Jun 19, 2005
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