Start A Credit Repair Division... Create Customers For Life!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Matthew-HTDI, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. Matthew-HTDI

    Matthew-HTDI Guest

    It's no secret that 80% of the people that walk through your doors hav
    negative items on their credit report.... So why not convert that int
    another reliable source of revenue?

    - Make 5-10 clients Finance-Worthy after the first 45 day
    - Establish a Customer Loyalty Progra
    - Potentially Double or Triple Dealer Profit with the same amount o
    customers walking through your door
    - Have a fully functional website, web-based software with Client an
    Affilitate Log-in's, automatic email updates..etc! Completely AUTOmat
    your busines
    - Track client progress every step of the wayStop turning away money at the sales floor and CALL TODAY for all th
    details on our CSO Program


    Matthew Chamber
    HTDI Financial - A
    877-877-4837 x 70
    Matthew-HTDI, Jul 25, 2007
  2. '97ventureowner, Jul 25, 2007
  3. Matthew-HTDI

    Matthew-HTDI Guest

    Matthew-HTDI, Jul 26, 2007
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