Speedo & Input Sensor

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mr. Caravan, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. Mr. Caravan

    Mr. Caravan Guest

    Not sure of the source of this problem, so hoping someone here can

    I have a 92 Voyager with 3.3 and 4 spd. tranny.

    The speedo does not go all the way to 0 (zero) during stop and go
    driving and on long trips, the needle gets stuck at various places on
    the speedo. Tapping the speedo cluster will most times make the
    needle jump to the proper speed indication. Van continues to shift
    properly, however. Wondering if the speedo is going flakey, or I need
    to change out the input sensor. Output was recently changed.

    Thanks for any assistance.
    Mr. Caravan, Dec 10, 2005
  2. Mr. Caravan

    maxpower Guest


    If you can tap on the gauge and the needle goes to the proper position, the
    gauge is faulty.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Dec 10, 2005
  3. Mr. Caravan

    Bob Shuman Guest

    If the trans is shifting normally, this also supports that both speed
    sensors are fine as well. Check the speedometer itself. Sounds like a cold
    solder joint or other bad connection.

    Bob Shuman, Dec 10, 2005
  4. Your problem is most likely nothing more than interference between the
    speedo needle and the speedometer face, or between the speedometer needle
    shaft and the needle shaft hole in the speedometer face.
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 10, 2005
  5. Mr. Caravan

    Mr. Caravan Guest

    That's what I thought! Thanks for the confirmation.
    Mr. Caravan, Dec 10, 2005
  6. Mr. Caravan

    Mr. Caravan Guest

    I'm now sure it's the speedo unit itself. Question: Will the speedo
    unit from a cluster with only a gas and heat gauge work? I was told
    both speedo units are identical.

    Thanks for your help.
    Mr. Caravan, Dec 10, 2005
  7. Mr. Caravan

    Joe Guest

    Obviously true. The transmission can't feel a person tapping on the
    speedometer. Mr. Caravan, the speedometer doesn't use any sensors but 1 -
    that's the distance sensor. It's actually separate from the input and output
    speed sensors on that 92. The transmission doesn't use the distance sensor
    as far as I know.
    Joe, Dec 10, 2005
  8. Before you buy parts you may not need, try carefully prying the speedo
    needle very slightly away from the speedo face, down at its pivot point.
    Then manually move the needle clear across to the highest speed number on
    the speedometer, release it, and see if it swings freely back to 0. If it
    does, you've probably fixed the problem.
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 11, 2005
  9. Mr. Caravan

    Robert C. Guest

    My understanding of the A604 (4 speed Automatic) only has two output
    sensors: an input speed sensor and an output speed sensor. The distance
    sensor is determined by the PCM from the output speed sensor which also
    feeds the speedometer and the overhead information center mileage computer.
    Robert C., Dec 19, 2005
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