Spark Plugs

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. Richard

    Richard Guest

    The PT Cruiser started life in 01 with a conventional factory installed
    Champion plug. The new line of mini-vans with the 3.8 get a factory
    installed double platinum, (7440). Late in 01 the double platinum 7440 was
    added for customer replacement in the Cruiser. Champion has now added a new
    plug the 7570, and now recommends it for the Cruiser. It is identical except
    for the addition of a fine wire electrode. Champion still lists the 7440 for
    the 3.8 mini-van. I would think that the fine wire version would be better
    for this application as well. Champion claims that it needs less voltage to
    generate a spark.

    The latest addition is plug options from Champion for these applications is
    the Iridium double platinum plug, the 9403. It is a fine wire design with
    platinum at the ground electrode and iridium at the center electrode, but
    with a shorter nose reach than the other two.

    Upon removal of my two sets of 7440's (dual plats), I found that the 7440
    plug lasted longer in my mini-van than in my Cruiser. At 42,000 miles in the
    mini-van they still looked perfect and measured well within spec. In less
    mileage the Cruiser set was showing significant wear on the ground
    electrode. I have switched to the 7570 (as recommended by Champion) for my
    Cruiser and have switched to the 9403 for my mini-van.

    Richard, Oct 26, 2006
  2. Richard

    DeserTBoB Guest

    What pisses me off is how they've screwed up the age-old numbering
    DeserTBoB, Oct 26, 2006
  3. Richard

    Richard Guest

    Exactly right. I used the new numbers to avoid confusion here. The old
    numbers are exactly the same between the fine wire version and the older
    dual plat plug except for the fine wire lettering code added to the 7570.
    There is much less information conveyed with the new numbering system.

    Richard, Oct 26, 2006
  4. Richard

    clayton Guest

    Well, my 97 T&C did not have platinum plugs. I just sort of expected
    it to. At about 140k, it started misfiring. Pulled the front three
    plugs. Holy smoke. Plugs will actually fire off with 3/16 of an inch
    gap. They were whipped. But the car ran okay up to that point.

    I ended up having plugs and wires done by my local guy. And it was a
    wire that was actually causing the misfire.

    Something to think about.

    I guess gone are the days when new plugs were required in your Triumph
    Bonneville every 10k or so.
    clayton, Oct 28, 2006
  5. Richard

    DeserTBoB Guest

    I usually had Champion RJ12YCs in my 318, but have a set of Autolite
    83s (I think, have to look) as there were no Champions available at
    the time, and they actually went 30K miles with barely about .002"
    increase in gap. I found that rather amazing, considering the copper
    Champions would be at least +.006" or better at that mileage. They
    also didn't really require any cleaning at all, thus proving that the
    ECS II system keeps things pretty lean. I dusted them off with
    Crysolite and they're still in there, with nary a misfire anywhere.

    I had platinum ACs in my Cadillac 4.9L, and they did indeed go 95K and
    still looked pretty fresh at that time..
    DeserTBoB, Oct 28, 2006
  6. Richard

    clayton Guest

    I had platinums in my 90 Camry that I replaced at 62k. Heck, they
    looked new when I took 'em out. My 93 Dakota had platinums in it -
    don't recall when I replaced them. But I remember how good they
    looked. And just figured the 97 T&C had them. Why worry - running
    fine. Then, the misfire. Which turned out to be a wire. But holy
    smoke - 140k on a set of plain ol' plugs?

    I know there's a 300 mpg carb out there somewhere, and I know we could
    be running around burning chicken fat and old vegetable oil that was
    used to cook the chickens. But today's stuff is great, no?
    clayton, Oct 28, 2006
  7. Richard

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Urban legend
    We have it now. It's called biodiesel.
    If you're pro-Arab and/or pro-Bush, maybe.
    DeserTBoB, Oct 28, 2006
    Recalls vex Japan
    By YURI KAGEYAMA AP Business Writer
    KAWASAKI, Japan - Yasuhisa Konno is so proud of the fine-tuned skills
    required to make metal parts at his greasy yet humming shop that he and
    several like-minded neighborhood factory owners have formed a social
    club called Republic of Manufacturing.

    The club, which meets regularly over beer to trade notes, has one key
    message: Japan Inc. was built on quality manufacturing delivered by
    dedicated workers like the club members, and they deserve social

    Konno, 40, isn't alone in fretting about the possible unraveling of
    mighty manufacturing, long credited with helping modernize this nation
    to become the world's second biggest economy.

    Although such concerns have been around for some years, the recent
    spate of recalls at top names in Japanese manufacturing - Sony Corp.,
    Toyota Motor Corp., Canon Inc., to name a few - is serving as an all
    too painful reminder that the fears are looming ever larger.

    The concerns are especially relevant coming amid intensifying
    competition from nearby China. A rapidly declining birth rate is
    threatening Japan with a worker shortage that could chip away at its
    craftsmanship tradition.

    Konno is adamant the recent surge in recalls has nothing to do with
    people like him who're trying to uphold pride in manufacturing.

    "Those recalls aren't about true Japanese production," he said.

    But even Konno acknowledged his company, which boasts some 200
    corporate customers, has serious trouble attracting younger Japanese,
    who look down on production work as dirty, dangerous and tough.

    The number of people employed in manufacturing has gradually dwindled
    to about 12 million, down 20 percent from about 15 million in 1990, as
    jobs grew in retail and services, according to the government
    Statistics Bureau.

    The sense of crisis is great.

    Tokyo has adopted as its buzzword for a national vision
    "monozukuri," which means "making things," including not only
    industrial production but also arts and crafts and other activities
    that involve working with your hands. A declining birth rate is seen as
    a threat to ensuring an adequate work force for monozukuri as the
    Boomer generation approaches retirement age.

    The government started a monozukuri campaign last year, earmarking
    funds to dozens of robotics, nanotechnology, genome and other
    technology projects, to survive global competition.

    Many Japanese feel that much of this nation's economic success was
    won through workaholic labor-intensive values.

    Politicians, intellectuals and educators alike are engaging in
    hand-wringing about how such qualities are dwindling among younger
    Japanese, who are growing more like their Western counterparts in
    job-hopping and seeking dot-com riches.

    Workmanship that comes from years of on-the-job experience is getting
    lost as more youngsters opt for white-collar work, said Seiichi Osawa,
    an official at the Nagano Prefectural Institute of Technology, a
    government training program set up especially to produce quality
    workers in manufacturing.

    "What's important is learning by getting your hands covered with
    grease," he said. "But kids these days think everything can be done
    by just sitting in front of a computer."

    Japanese workers in manufacturing have been aging at a faster pace than
    white-collar workers, according to a government "white paper" on
    monozukuri released earlier this year.

    In 1990, workers ages 15 to 29 made up 23 percent of the manufacturing
    work force, but just 17.5 percent in 2005. School graduates who chose
    jobs in manufacturing were about a third of the total in 1990, but have
    shrunk to less than one-fifth in recent years, according to the white

    Eighteen-year-old Chihiro Kawata is typical in looking for a clerical
    job after odd jobs at fast-food chains and convenience stores. She is
    considering work in elder care and nursery schools for the future.

    "I never thought about it," she said of a manufacturing job. "My
    parents recommend I get a basic office job."

    No one is suggesting that respected names in Japanese manufacturing are
    about to sink into oblivion. But the tales of trouble strike a sharp
    contrast from the historical success stories of Japanese companies,
    which depended more on fortitude, self-effacing team work and attention
    to detail, rather than individualism and innovative breakthroughs.

    Katsuaki Nagaike, professor of business and technology management at
    Kyushu University, said the recalls highlight the adjustment problems
    encountered by Japanese companies amid globalization.

    Japanese strengths were based on developing core technology in-house
    over a long period. But the recent price drops in electronics pitted
    the old-style business model against a cost-cutting commodity model,
    seen in companies like Dell, he said.

    "The recalls are like mistakes in fielding during a baseball game
    even for a good team," Nagaike said. "Chinese companies still have
    a long way to go before they can catch up in design, engineering and
    technology with Japanese companies."

    Recent recalls


    Among the embarrassing list of Japan's recent recalls:

    · Sony's massive recall of faulty lithium-ion batteries for laptop
    computers numbering 9.6 million worldwide, affecting laptops from
    practically every major maker in the world.

    · Toyota has been tarnished by auto recalls in Japan, the U.S. and
    China. President Katsuaki Watanabe has vowed to beef up quality control
    by reviewing quality in every stage of development and production.

    · Last month, digital camera and copy machine maker Canon said it
    will inspect and provide free parts replacements for 1.87 million
    copiers worldwide because some may catch fire.

    · Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., which makes Panasonic brand
    products, has recently recalled 6,000 batteries used in its laptops
    that may overheat. But the company was plagued last year by a more
    serious problem of thousands of heaters sold in Japan, suspected in two
    deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning.

    · Mitsubishi Motors Corp. is still struggling to regain public trust
    after a scandal first surfaced in 2000, in which the manufacturer
    acknowledged it had systematically hid auto defects for more than 20
    duty-honor-country, Oct 30, 2006
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