So, the BCM is dead?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Kaidi, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. Kaidi

    Kaidi Guest

    1997, Dodge Intrepid. 130K miles.

    The currently situations are:
    (just in case you want to see it yourself, I made a short video of the
    problem, see here:

    1) The car can start and drive, although if I put it to P, the sound
    from the engine seems to indicate that the engine sometimes goes
    faster sometimes goes slower.

    2) The wiper will start to work at the same time the car is powered
    on, and will not stop.

    3) The engine speed meter and the car speed meter give random
    readings. The engine temperature meter has no reading. The gas meter
    has no reading (sometimes will have some reading).

    4) Turning signals seem not work too.

    5) The light inside the car is not working (usually when I open the
    car door, it should light up and dim slowly).

    6) The power door lock does not work.

    I have done the following checks:

    1) I have taken off and checked the multi function switch (the one for
    the turning lights, etc) and the headlights switch, they seem OK
    according to the manual. And if I start the car without the above two
    switches, all the problems still there.

    2) I have confirmed that the terminals of the battery are clean and
    the cables to them are good. Also, the negative terminal is connected
    to the car's frame properly (as suggested by a friend).

    3) All the fuses are OK.

    So, I think the BCM is dead. How is your guys' idea?

    By the way, if I take out the BCM, how can I tell whether it is OK or
    not? (for example, by using a multi meter, etc)

    Thanks a lot. :)
    Kaidi, Sep 29, 2004
  2. Kaidi

    Geoff Guest

    Well, you certainly have some electrical gremlins, and they could be
    related to the BCM. This is going to be a tricky one for a DIYer to diagnose properly,
    although I believe its possible if you ask yourself the right questions
    and proceed methodically. It would be extremely helpful to have a copy
    of the factory service manual and body diagnostics manual as well.

    One common thing to check before condemning the BCM are its ground
    connections. You may also have one or more electrical shorts in the
    wiring harness causing issues such as this.

    Did all of these symptoms come on suddenly? Was the car involved in any
    flooding, an accident, or anything else unusual? Is the battery at full
    strength? Was the car jumpstarted any time recently? Was there any
    work done on the charging system? Has there been any work done on the
    car at all recently?

    It's interesting, I think, that the problem manifests itself when the
    engine is running. How about if you just switch the key to the 'run'
    position without starting it? Same things?

    Will the car display its dashboard flash codes using the
    key-on-key-off-key-on-key-off-key-on procedure? (Google this newsgroup
    if you need more description)

    Geoff, Sep 29, 2004
  3. Thanks for the entertaining video, though you need to rename your windows
    file to .wmv.

    As for your problem its going to be difficult to diagnose without access to
    the CCD bus via a DRB. You can however remove the BCM and carefully inspect
    the PCB for all the solder joints looking for broken or cracked solder,
    doing continuity checks and wiggling the solder ends with your multimeter
    probe. I find that most modern cars are using some lame ass solder that
    seems to break after about 5-10 years and can be a real pita to track down.
    Ive solved a few problems with printed circuit boards by simply reflowing
    the solder on as many points as possible/practical. There was a problem a
    while back with caravan BCM's having bad transistors on the CCD bus you
    might want to check that out for shits and giggles.

    Hope you find out what the problem is without having to mortgage your
    The Bathtub Admiral, Sep 30, 2004
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