Hello All: Let me preface this with I have always been a proponent of frequent oil changes with conventional motor oil vs extended change intervals with synthetic oil. I keep my cars a long time, and have always changed the oil at 2K (no, not 3K ) mile intervals. I use plain Jane Valvoline, and try to stock up cases of the stuff when there are rebates that equate to </body>.89/quart. I work with an AMSOIL distributor, and am convinced that 0w30 is probably the right thing to do for the Lancer Shelby. I bought this car new, and currently at 82K miles it has had only 10w30 conventional Valvoline changes at 2K intervals when it was a daily driver, now down to once a year at around 500 mile intervals. I have mentioned that switching to synth oil this late in the game will cause massive oil "hemorrhaging" everywhere. My trusty AMSOIL distributor recommended perhaps a slow conversion, using one quart of 0w30 with three quarts of conventional on my next change, then 50-50, then full 0w30. He commented that "AMSOIL does not recommend this, due to the fact that you cannot use extended drain periods, but otherwise it is not a problem." So, my LeBaron, and Impala will continue with the conventional oil and 2K intervals, but the once a year Lancer may get a synth conversion. OPINIONS, PLEASE! Let's hear it all! Thanks for your time in replying, and have a nice day, Bill