
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by frank, May 5, 2005.

  1. frank

    frank Guest

    Greetings, and how goes things there with Mom ?
    Assume she needs shirts etc and will send some out for birthday,
    also a card is in the mail to you for her for Mother's day.
    Advise. Regds
    frank, May 5, 2005
  2. frank

    MoPar Man Guest

    Not bad. She's still complainer about her knee. I told her to see a
    She'd really like to see you though. It won't be the same without you
    on Mother's day.

    I think enough time has gone by - we all forgive you. You don't have
    to stay away any more.
    MoPar Man, May 5, 2005
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