Sight glass on 2002 T&C

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jack, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. Jack

    Jack Guest

    I want to check to freon in the air conditioner on the 2002 T&C, I don't
    have a pressure gage so I would like to know if there is a sight glass
    on the AC system and if there is where can I find it.
    Jack, Apr 17, 2008
  2. Jack

    Mike Guest

    If it had a sight glass it would be on the high side line between the
    condensor and evaporator. A sight glass isn't really useful for diagnosis of
    an A/C problem. Best way to check the freon is with a gauge set. Next best way
    is to run the A/C on coldest setting and see how cold it gets.
    Mike, Apr 17, 2008
  3. Jack

    Jack Guest

    If I am using a thermometer to test the AC cooling capacity, what
    temperature am I looking for?
    Jack, Apr 17, 2008
  4. Jack

    damnnickname Guest

    Thsi vehicle has no sight glass. The A/C manifold gauge set and
    thermometer is the way to do a performace check. Depending on ambient tem
    will determine what the evaporator temp will be.

    Ambient Temperature 21° C

    (70° F)
    27° C

    (80° F)
    32° C

    (90° F)
    38° C

    (100° F)
    43° C

    (110° F)

    Left Center Panel Outlet Discharge Air Temperature 1 to 8° C

    (34 to 46° F)
    3 to 9° C

    (37 to 49° F)
    4 to 10°C

    (39 to 50° F)
    6 to 11°C

    (43 to 52° F)
    7 to 18° C

    (45 to 65° F)

    Discharge Pressure (High Side Service Port) 1034 to 1724 kPa

    (150 to 250 psi)
    1517 to 2275 kPa

    (220 to 330 psi)
    1999 to 2620 kPa

    (290 to 380 psi)
    2068 to 2965 kPa

    (300 to 430 psi)
    2275 to 3421 kPa

    (330 to 450 psi)

    Suction Pressure (Low Side Service Port) 103 to 207 kPa

    (15 to 30 psi)
    117 to 221 kPa

    (17 to 32 psi)
    138 to 241 kPa

    (20 to 35 psi)
    172 to 269 kPa

    (25 to 39 psi)
    207 to 345 kPa

    (30 to 50 psi)

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tec

    Message posted using
    More information at
    damnnickname, Apr 17, 2008
  5. Jack

    Steve Guest

    Sight glasses are not used on R-134a systems, because bubbles can be
    present even when the system is fully charged. You HAVE to check with
    gauges and you HAVE to correct for the evaporator temperature once you
    read the gauge. There's no other way to properly service an R-134a
    system. There's a pressure vs. temperature curve chart in the AC section
    of every Factory Service Manual.
    Steve, Apr 17, 2008
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