Sierra Club has a point in Bush\Automakers meeting

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by George Orwell, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. Bush, automakers avoid talk on fuel economy
    Sierra Club is right. Same tired old arguments from the Pres. He is such a=

    hypocrite. His SUV (Air Force One) burns more fossil fuel and dumps more
    CO, CO2, HCx into the atmosphere in one day on one political trip than your=

    SUV could in 200 years. Furthermore, your ground based SUV polution is
    absorbed and converted whereas that of the Presidential Jetmobile lingers
    in the stratosphere for years and does real damage.

    The best way to cut down on foreign oil imports is to go for WWII style
    rationing. You get 5 gallons a week, period in coupons. Burn it with a
    match or in a Honda 50. Its your choice. The President, in deference to
    his high position, should be allowed 10 gallons a week.

    There is a little flexibility in my perfect plan. If you want more than 5
    gallons a week, you can buy some extra gallons from somebody on the open
    market. College students will make a bundle selling their 5 gallons and
    walking instead of driving. It favors the rich, who can afford to buy all
    the gas they want and benefits the poor who get rich selling their gas

    If somebody can come up with a better plan than mine, I'll eat a bug.

    Copyright my ass 1984 George Orwell. No rights reserved. This material
    must be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
    George Orwell, Mar 27, 2007
  2. George Orwell

    Picasso Guest

    The best way to cut down on foreign oil imports is to go for WWII style
    That plan is absolutely rediculous. I wouldn't even be able to make it
    to work and back one day. I work outside. The forest industry is
    already in the tank, and you want to take more away from me? Balls to you.
    Picasso, Mar 27, 2007
  3. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Do a little Google search on Nancy Pelossi's plane. Or Barbara
    Streisand's motor home that she uses for shopping trips (so, according
    to her, she doesn't have to use public toilets). I just love liberals.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Mar 27, 2007
  4. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Also Mr, "Orwell", check out these two articles (picked at random from a
    Google search) about Al Gore's "carbon footprint":

    From one of the articles:
    "In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to
    conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

    "The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh)
    per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured
    nearly 221,000 kWh--more than 20 times the national average.

    "Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh--guzzling more than
    twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses
    in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore's average
    monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

    "Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore's energy consumption
    has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400
    kWh per month in 2006.

    "Gore's extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill.
    Natural gas bills for Gore's mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per
    month last year."

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Mar 28, 2007
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