Shift linkage Ply Acclaim

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Hank, Oct 16, 2003.

  1. Hank

    Hank Guest

    My 1991 Plymouth Acclaim 3.0 (love it) is having difficulty at times
    when I try to put it in park, etc. One time when I was working on it
    and wanted to move the shifter through the gears I got stuck in P. I
    almost died of fright but soon composed myself and moved the shift
    linkage on the transaxle. (That seemed to do the trick, temporally.)
    My guess the linkage is in need of repair and my "books" (service
    manual included) show hardly anything on this.

    Has anyone any experience with this? Also, I am open to any
    suggestion as how to proceed.

    Hank from PA
    Hank, Oct 16, 2003
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