Shafted on repair charge??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TomKan, Jul 23, 2005.

  1. TomKan

    TomKan Guest

    My neighbor to his car (not a Chrysler product) to a shop for a coolant
    leak. It was diagnosed as a bad water pump. He had it consented to the
    repair and also agreed to their suggestion of also replacing the belt
    while they were at it.
    His bill indicated labor charges for:
    2 hours to replace the pump.
    1 hour to replace the belt.
    Why would there be an additional charge to put a new belt on? If he had
    told them to put the old belt back on, there would have been no charge
    to do it, it would have been part of the waterpump replacement charge.
    TomKan, Jul 23, 2005
  2. TomKan

    maxpower Guest

    Since we have no idea what kind of vehicle it is how can we answer that
    There are some vehicles out there that the timing belt drives the water
    pump and the pump is easily removed, But the belt may require that you have
    to pull the harmonic balancer/pulley.
    If that is the case the radiator may have to be removed to access it ,
    possibly the condenser and so on!!!

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jul 23, 2005
  3. But if they are going off book, then the hours for the water pump should
    include the time it takes to pull and replace the belt. Also note they
    said to "replace the belt WHILE they were at it"

    I would tell your neighbor to start by assuming it is a simple mistake in
    the bill, and take the bill back to the garage and explain this and see
    what they do. If they tell him that they just broke out the time for the
    belt replacement, and show him a book time of 3 hours for a water
    pump replacement, then so be it. But it's quite possible that some
    front office girl who doesen't know a water pump from a washing
    machine setup the bill, and assumed that they were two separate

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jul 23, 2005
  4. TomKan

    maxpower Guest

    I replaced a water pump on a 3.5 intrepid this week, the owner had the belt
    replaced last year, the pump was just seeping (after market) I charged the
    guy 2 hrs to remove and install the pump, the dealer gets 4hrs to do the
    pump and belt. I guess I was just thinking that I could have confused the
    guy the same way this OP was

    But your right about the part where he agreed to do the belt, and yes, they
    should have just told the guy 3 hrs to do the job make it easier to
    maxpower, Jul 24, 2005
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