serpentine belt 2000 Caravan 3.8L

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John Keith, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. John Keith

    John Keith Guest

    The serpentine belt just came off the pulleys on my wife's 200 Caravan
    3.8L. The belt is not broken and the idlers/tensioners/pulleys all
    appear to be OK. My wife was driving home in rain/snow and I have
    heard of belts coming off in wet conditions like this. The belt has
    never come off before and she's had this car for several years and in
    similar weather conditions. Is the wet condition a reasonable
    diagnosis for this problem and is there something I need to do to
    prevent this in the future?

    The ribs on the belt do show some cracks and I'm guessing it makes
    sense to replace the belt as long as I have to restring it.

    Thanks for any advice!

    John Keith
    John Keith, Oct 26, 2006
  2. John Keith

    maxpower Guest

    Keith, unless you know exactly what to look for as far as the tensioner goes
    I would replace the belt and tensioner together. When the tensioner starts
    to wear it will tilt at an angle and may cause a squeak.
    When water hits the belt it will cause the belt to just slide right off
    without warning. You don't say what the mileage, but if it is the original
    tensioner I would replace it.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Oct 26, 2006
  3. John Keith

    John Keith Guest


    There has been no squeaking but the mileage is over 88K. I suppose
    I'll do the tensioner also as long as I'm digging around this area.

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    John Keith
    John Keith, Oct 26, 2006
  4. John Keith

    appstech Guest

    Both Goodyear as well as Gates currently offer a field fix kit for the
    3.0L engine. Sometime this year they will be offering a field fix kit
    for your 3.8L. I recommend to wait and get this kit. It is the only
    solution that actually works.
    appstech, Oct 26, 2006
  5. John Keith

    kmatheson Guest

    It seems like there was a recall for the splash shield that protects
    the belt path. Do you recall Glenn?

    kmatheson, Oct 26, 2006
  6. did you actually try to rotate the tensioner? Mine locked up. looked
    fine but would not rotate, that is pivot along the tensioner arm. had
    to be replaced.
    Frank Boettcher, Oct 26, 2006
  7. John Keith

    John Keith Guest

    The original tensioner arm would swing (after finding the right
    combination of tools and with great effort.)

    John Keith
    John Keith, Oct 26, 2006
  8. John Keith

    John Keith Guest

    Why isn't Chrysler fixing this rather than Gate and Goodyear?
    How do I follow-up on this, check with a Chrysler dealer?

    None of the replies explicitly state that water is a contributing
    factor but it seems that this is the case.

    Thanks everyone for sharing the knowledge.

    John Keith
    John Keith, Oct 26, 2006
  9. John Keith

    appstech Guest

    Not sure.

    Don't go to the dealer. Check with Napa or an aftermarket distributor
    of either Goodyear or Gates belt tensioners. If you want to go online,
    try contacting however I
    have heard that they are bad at responding to their emails.
    factor but it seems that this is the case.

    Water is definetly a contributing factor to this problem.
    appstech, Oct 26, 2006

  10. You're getting good advice, but I would add the water pump to the list
    of things to look at. I had a 3.3 engine Caravan a few years ago that
    threw the belt off because the water pump pulley was wobbly. Believe it
    or not, it didn't leak. It just threw the belt off. We also had a 96
    Caravan that started throwing the belt when driving through puddles. I
    changed the belt and it improved the situation.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Oct 26, 2006
  11. John Keith

    maxpower Guest

    There was a TSB to install a shield, I have never installed one because the
    tensioner is what caused the belts to come off
    maxpower, Oct 26, 2006
  12. John Keith

    maxpower Guest

    Normally what causes the pump bearings to go bad and wobble like that is the
    belt tensioner has seized. the tensioner is designed to give from the torque
    of the belt. If the tensioner is seized the belt will transfer all the pull
    to the water pump and cause it to fail. Most shops don't pick that up and
    the vehicle returns shortly with another pump failure or the tensioner has
    just completely snapped off.

    maxpower, Oct 26, 2006
  13. Wow, I guess I got lucky on that van. I replaced the pump and continued
    to drive it for another 50,000 miles or so with no problems. I've
    learned a lot about these minivans from you guys on the group. It's
    just ironic that a lot of it applies to vans that I sold several years
    ago. I wish I had had all of this information at the time.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Oct 26, 2006
  14. John Keith

    John Keith Guest

    Yes, the discussion has been great and very helpful. Thanks everyone.
    Whoa! That had to be a disturbing situation.

    John Keith
    John Keith, Oct 27, 2006
  15. It was a 3.0 liter. Different engine, same problem. I have a friend
    with a 94, 3.3 liter, that threw its belt when wet. I don't think he
    changed the tensioner, just the belt. I'd listen to the guys on this
    group if I were you, though.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Oct 27, 2006
  16. John Keith

    jdoe Guest

    And get an OEM belt and tensioner or you'll be doing this job sooner than
    you want!
    jdoe, Oct 27, 2006
  17. John Keith

    clayton Guest

    The spring on my tensioner broke. A 97 T&C with a 3.8.

    Don't know why. I started making noise, I took it in, and the guy said
    the spring was broke. Never had a belt fail, btw. 242k miles. Have
    replaced it maybe once? Was making some noise, and had a few cracks
    and a glaziness (new word) to it.
    clayton, Oct 28, 2006
  18. John Keith

    philthy Guest

    also make sure that the drain tube for the wiper cowl/module is hooked to
    the drain tube on right side or water pours on belt causing it top slip
    off also rechack the ac compressor pulley and clutch operatiion
    philthy, Oct 28, 2006
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