Security tracking charge

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by budman, May 22, 2006.

  1. budman

    budman Guest

    Just about finalized a deal on a new Liberty, and I see that there is a charge
    of $259.00 (Canadian) for "Security Tracking".

    There is nothing on the window sticker about this, and a quick look at the
    Insurance Bureau of Canada's website states:

    "IBC only recognizes and approves electronic engine immobilizers that meet the
    requirements of the Canadian Standard for Automobile Theft Deterrent Equipment
    and Systems: Electronic Immobilization ULC-S338-98."

    Are they trying to rip me for 259 bucks or will I simply bring this to their
    attention when I go for the car tomorrow?
    budman, May 22, 2006
  2. budman

    philthy Guest

    be real careful on this there is a new scam from the dealers now were they take a$
    10.00 kit and etch the glass on the car with a id number and then slip this kind
    of outrages price into the deal at the last minute most of the time people miss
    so look at the glass and see if it is etched with numbers and if it is tell them u
    want all new glasss and not the scam they are passing on to u
    philthy, May 23, 2006
  3. budman

    Scott S. Guest

    In one way it's a valid item.I did some checking on it. This also includes
    them paying your deductable on your insurance if it is stolen. My area isnt
    that bad, but i assume a high crime area it could be worth it.
    Scott S., May 23, 2006
  4. budman

    MoPar Man Guest

    Just about finalized a deal on a new Liberty, and I see that
    1) Jeeps are common theft targets - but I'd think mostly for joy

    2) If it's stolen for parts, it won't matter that some parts are
    etched or engraved with a number. You won't be getting it
    back in one piece (if at all), and numbers can be removed.

    3) Don't buy any vehicle that can be hot-wired and driven away
    without needing the real ignition key. That's your number-1
    theft prevention feature. If it were available, I'd also get
    laminated side glass.

    4) The above-mentioned "security tracking" charge is most likely
    a scam, but please do post back the details if you find out
    what exactly it is.
    MoPar Man, May 23, 2006
  5. budman

    budman Guest

    Thanx MoPar Man. I will indeed post the results after I pick up the vehicle
    Tues. or Wednesday.

    budman, May 23, 2006
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