Seat belt?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by L.G.R., Nov 10, 2007.

  1. L.G.R.

    L.G.R. Guest

    Hi everyone. My question!

    I was wondering that if you don't buckle up, would the air bag fonctioned
    advenant an accident.
    Cause if you think of it, the slightest hit hard enough to make the bag open
    would make you bent forward on the steering and the bag trap would swing
    open in your face, killing you for sure.
    L.G.R., Nov 10, 2007
  2. L.G.R.

    maxpower Guest

    You don't specify what year or make, The newer vehicles have what they call
    a pretentioner in the seat belt that is designed to pull you back away from
    the steering wheel in case of a frontal accident. Always a good idea to wear
    your seat belt especially with a vehicle that is equipped with an air bag.

    My opinion

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 10, 2007
  3. L.G.R.

    L.G.R. Guest

    Thanks, but the question was that if someone don't buckle up, is the air bas
    still fonctionning. Good question hein!
    L.G.R., Nov 11, 2007
  4. L.G.R.

    maxpower Guest

    In all honesty I DO NOT understand your lingo nor your grammar!! The air bag
    will deploy if the seat belt is buckled or not.

    maxpower, Nov 11, 2007
  5. L.G.R.

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    It would be open long before you got there -- that's the whole point.
    You also seem to think being hit in the face by the bag cover (I
    assume that's what you mean by 'bag trap') is more deadly than being
    hit over the head with the windshield...
    Joe Pfeiffer, Nov 12, 2007
  6. incorrect

    US regulations state that vehicle air bags must stop a seated passenger
    who IS NOT BELTED without killing him or her. European regulations
    on airbags are different - that is why Euro airbags are smaller, they truly
    are supplemental restraints. US airbags must be able to act as primary

    This is why US airbags may be fatal to short people and to children, and
    it is why it is recommended if you are a short person that you get a medical
    release and have the dealer disconnect your airbag. Some trucks that
    have a single cab have passenger airbag lockout switches specifically to
    allow children to be carried in the front seat safely (assuming they wear
    a belt, of course)

    The air bag trap on the steering wheel is made out of soft plastic and
    would not kill someone impacting on it.

    Needless to say, if you AREN'T wearing a belt and get involved in
    a frontal collision where the airbag deploys, you are going to be in a
    lot more hurt than if you had the belt on. Expect many more bruises and
    possibly broken bones. Also, your probably going to be thrown sideways
    unless the impact is perfectly straight on.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 12, 2007
  7. L.G.R.

    cavedweller Guest

    His English is better than your French, hein?
    cavedweller, Nov 12, 2007
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