Screw the big 3 auto makers. GO BANKTUPT!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Frank Grimes (Homer's Enemy), Nov 17, 2008.

  1. The Big 3 have neither earned or deserve anykind of a bailout. ****'
    Let them go under! These companies have ignored and cheated the
    public for years and built nothing but a lot of over-priced junk for
    too long. The GM Dealership wanted $20 for ONE single rubber fuel
    injector O-ring...............for ONE rubber O-ring!

    I went accross the street HEP and bought all 4 rubber o-rings I needed
    for a dollar!
    **** GM, their grossly overpaid employees,....and there $20 a piece O-
    rings! **** THEM INTO BANKRUPTCY!!!!!!
    What the hell did you think was going to happen you greedy bastards!.

    $100 for an ignition key! $200 to re-set the computer...... after I re-
    installed a new ignition lock myself!

    20-30 years ago , the key would've cost under a dollar with no
    computer to have to re-encode. These are things one used to be able to
    do themselves without having to rely on the GM dealer gouging the
    consumer at every turn.
    The Big 3's work force are abunch over-paid premadonnas that will soon
    learn to have to live like the rest of us.

    The Big 3's years of gougeing and bleeding the public dry (as well as
    hoarding fuel economy increasing devices) are now comming to an end.

    I would love to see the bIG 3 get what they deserve....which is NO
    BAIL-OUT, total bankruptcy and massive lay-off's accross the board.

    If anyone is looking for fuel injector O-rings for a 1998 chevy
    tracker, **** the GM dealership! can get all four of them at
    any HEP store for about a dollar......GM wants about $20 a piece
    for ...A SINGLE ONE!
    Frank Grimes (Homer's Enemy), Nov 17, 2008
  2. Frank Grimes (Homer's Enemy)

    rob Guest

    part of any bail out has to be a major restructure in the way they work.

    but the bad part is having enough to pay all their suppliers,
    rob, Nov 18, 2008
  3. I've run into the same thing with imports - it's worse, in many cases since
    the aftermarket often doesen't have a substitute AT ALL.

    You can thank the crowd of people in the US that are called "new car
    buyers" for that.

    If you bought your car used, you opinion isn't worth shit, son.

    If you bought your car new, did you look under the hood when you
    bought it? Did you tell the salesperson you wanted a car easy to
    service? Did you check with the parts guy for prices for some
    common parts before buying it?

    If the answer is NO then you have your answer, seems to me.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 18, 2008
  4. Frank Grimes (Homer's Enemy)

    QX Guest

    No-one bailed out the airlines as they went bankrupt and/or merged.
    Let the big 3 declare bankruptcy. They will emerge leaner and meaner.
    They will be able to terminate the pensions and lifetime healthcare
    benefits that cost a great portion of the cost of every new car sold.
    They will be able to renegotiate the union contracts and bring them
    back in line with the rest of the country. If the unions balk, let
    them strike. They will eventually realize that if they don't make the
    concessions, they and their rank and file members will both be without
    jobs. After the bankruptcy they will be able to hire new workers with
    new benefit packages and let the unions fall by the side.
    QX, Nov 18, 2008
  5. AMEN:
    i'm with you on this,i have owned Chrysler vechicles for over 20
    years and have been taken for,i must say that every new one that i
    have purchased i had to take it back to the dealer for something
    stupid within the first 3 months.
    now i must tell you that since own a couple of the makes,NOT GM or
    FORD, for over 2 years i have NOT had to take neither one of them back
    to the dealer for anything other than free oil changes and i have over
    35K on both.
    Think about it now,do any of the other car makers have to be bail out?
    No, that's because they seem to care more about building a solid long
    lasting product.
    Shoudn't the big 3 ask themselfs a question,WHAT IN THE **** ARE WE
    We are building SHIT,while the others are building QUALITY and they
    also have PRIDE and 1000% better QUALITY CONTROL.
    Bentracer and Bentrider, Nov 18, 2008
  6. Frank Grimes (Homer's Enemy)

    Bob Shuman Guest

    While I agree that the big-3 need to re-focus on the existing market and fix
    the underlying root business issues, I do not believe that
    reliability/quality was one of them .

    I can't comment on current US auto build and design quality, but can tell
    you that my family's last 6 new auto purchases (All US auto makers,
    primarily Chrysler: 1987 Chrysler LeBaron GTS, 1990 Dodge Caravan, 1996
    Eagle/Chrysler Vision, 1999 Chrysler Minivan, 2001 Dodge Intrepid, 2004
    Mercury/Ford Sable) have all been pretty much defect free during the 3
    year/36K warranty period. The one exception was a cracked flex
    plate/flywheel on the 1999 T&C Minivan which was replaced under warranty at
    37K miles. The older vehicles all went over 10 years/100K miles without
    issues. The exception there was the 1990 caravan which had two issues, both
    of which were design problems (air conditioner evaporator and 4-speed
    transmission). All other costs during ownership could be classified as basic
    maintenance or nuisance items. I will even say that none of the above
    vehicles (3 of which are still in the family and driven daily) burns a
    noticeable amount of oil during 3K mile interval changes or drips any fluids
    either on our garage floor.

    In general, I've been pretty happy with the quality of all of the above
    referenced vehicles, especially compared to the 4 (GM-brands) vehicles I
    had purchased in the 1980's that preceded them.


    I'm with you on this,i have owned Chrysler vechicles for over 20
    years and have been taken for,i must say that every new one that i
    have purchased i had to take it back to the dealer for something
    stupid within the first 3 months.
    now i must tell you that since own a couple of the makes,NOT GM or
    FORD, for over 2 years i have NOT had to take neither one of them back
    to the dealer for anything other than free oil changes and i have over
    35K on both.
    Think about it now,do any of the other car makers have to be bail out?
    No, that's because they seem to care more about building a solid long
    lasting product.
    Shoudn't the big 3 ask themselfs a question,WHAT IN THE **** ARE WE
    We are building SHIT,while the others are building QUALITY and they
    also have PRIDE and 1000% better QUALITY CONTROL.
    Bob Shuman, Nov 18, 2008
  7. Frank Grimes (Homer's Enemy)

    rob Guest

    i'm with you on this,i have owned Chrysler vechicles for over 20
    years and have been taken for,i must say that every new one that i
    have purchased i had to take it back to the dealer for something
    stupid within the first 3 months.
    now i must tell you that since own a couple of the makes,NOT GM or
    FORD, for over 2 years i have NOT had to take neither one of them back
    to the dealer for anything other than free oil changes and i have over
    35K on both.
    Think about it now,do any of the other car makers have to be bail out?
    No, that's because they seem to care more about building a solid long
    lasting product.
    Shoudn't the big 3 ask themselfs a question,WHAT IN THE **** ARE WE
    We are building SHIT,while the others are building QUALITY and they
    also have PRIDE and 1000% better QUALITY CONTROL.

    look at imports all day long and you will see some big issues with them as
    and regardless of make or model, a dealer only part or repair will be damn
    rob, Nov 19, 2008
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