Scary scenerio?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by WVK, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. WVK

    Sarge Guest

    Someone wrote: "In which case the US will have to seriously reduce its
    appetite for gasoline and we will be happy that we did not waste money
    building those refineries you want."

    Its not just the gasoline consumption but our consumption for everything.
    Medicine, plastic, packaging, and other commodities including clothing all
    come from a barrel of crude. Some products such as clothing can be
    produced from other means (cotton) but most is produced by sythenthic means.

    The supply of oil and its use will never cease until the source is gone
    unless we learn to use alternative energy sources. We must change our daily
    living habits. We have to learn to reduce and recycle as much as possible.

    Sarge, Apr 4, 2005
  2. WVK

    tango Guest

    Have you not heard the Enron tapes which validate the energy crisis in
    California was a completely manipulated scam by Enron and other energy
    There was some contributing factors by politicians, who had their palms
    greased with money, and the we don't need any regulation zealots who
    allowed this to happen.
    You argument that other factors had anything to do with this scam is
    totally bogus.
    Kinda like the weapons of mass destructian intelligence confirmations.
    tango, Apr 4, 2005
  3. WVK

    tango Guest

    My answer to you usual, it's the environmental laws is simple, BULLSHIT!!!
    If it were in the financial interest of the Oil companies to increase
    refining capacity, which it is not, as they could not shut down a refinery
    and cause a shortage and immediately raise prices and increase their bottom
    line, new refinaries could be built much faster than most people believe.
    Large corporations have spent millions on advertising their anti-
    environmental propaganda the last 20 years and it has been a good
    investment, as most people believe whatever their favorite media person or
    talk show personality spews, and they are great at repeating it like
    trained Parrots.
    That doesn't mean there have not been cases where outrageous decisions have
    been made in some cases but we are far better overall as a result of
    environmental laws which have saved millions from lung diseases and other
    ailments caused by pollution.
    To want to correct these abuses is good, to speak like fools as many do,
    falsely claiming that environmental laws are responsible for Oil companies
    and other corporations using monopolistic tactics to gouge consumers while
    executives of these same corporations receive millions of dollars in salary
    is pathetic.
    tango, Apr 4, 2005
  4. WVK

    tango Guest

    I don't know if you were around in the seventies but I was living in N.Y.
    and people were trading Cadillacs for small tin cans they would have never
    been seen in except for the Oil Crisis.
    The lesson learned lasted about 3 or 4 years. People who are so dumb as to
    shop and ask only what are the payments, aren't going to conform to any
    restraints voluntarily until the situation becomes critical.
    The only real possible solution is to develop new energy sources and power
    plants {not power generating plants for you pinheads} and distribution
    systems which will take 20 years if an all out effort is undertaken.
    Unfortunately the oil producing countries will easily figure out a way to
    undermine or bribe governments to keep this from happening.
    By the way, I am amused by people who don't give any credit to global
    warming, but believe we will run out of Oil in the near future.
    As PT Barnum said, there's one born every minute.
    tango, Apr 4, 2005
  5. WVK

    Bill Putney Guest

    So you're saying that Enron paid politicians to pass legislation
    forbidding capacity increases in CA, and that that was not done and
    enabled by and for the environuts and their appeasement?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 4, 2005
  6. WVK

    tango Guest

    I said clearly the de regulation was passed by bribing politicians with
    political contributions and the zealots who believe all regulations are
    evil also played a role in allowing this fraud to happen. This legislation
    removed regulation of Power Utilities by the state.
    I know of no restriction legislation on generating capacity being passed.
    Do you have a reference for this legislative bill which was passed limiting
    There was plenty of capacity to avoid the debacle manipulated by Enron.
    The power was being sold out of state along with ordering shut downs for
    maintenance which wasn't necessary.
    You didn't answer the question, have you not heard the Enron tapes with
    managers laughing about sending power out of state to cause blackouts and
    ordering management to take generators off line for maintenance which was
    not needed to cause power shortages.
    You are making excuses for people who are on audio ordering these things
    done. Do you not watch TV at all, these tapes have been played many times
    the last 6 months.
    I believe several have pleaded guilty to various charges related to fraud.
    tango, Apr 5, 2005
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