Saint Anne 12-14-95

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by giolla, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. giolla

    giolla Guest

    St. Anne says,
    "There are millions of children throughout the world
    who are never instructed properly on the Importance of
    their Soul. By children, I mean all ages, because
    mankind to Us are children of God, bound to Him
    through their Soul."

    ON DECEMBER 14,1995 AT 1:07 P.M.


    " I am Saint Anne. This little one We All
    speak through to reach millions of people throughout
    the world, listens for Our Entrance. Today, as I speak
    to you, it is with a Love Greater than any human love
    mankind can personally be associated with.

    There are so many men, women and children, who
    walk each day not in full knowledge of the Beauty, the
    Magnitude, the Love that is within each one of them,
    and for each one of them. Sometimes when We see
    an individual of any age, We fully understand what they
    are mentally, and/or physically going through, and We
    want to say out loud to them, 'Reach out to Us for
    help, for strength, for hope, and for the energy to do
    what is best for you, for the ability to do what is right
    for you.'

    I want you to think of one thousand people in one
    place all at one time. When you look at these people
    you see only the physical structure, and you see a
    difference in physical appearance, but you cannot read
    what is in their mind. You cannot become fully aware
    of their physical strengths, ailments; you only see human
    beings. When We look at mankind We see more. We
    are aware of their Soul, their mentality, their abilities,
    their morality, their immorality. We are aware of their
    likes and dislikes, their hurts, their fears, their desires,
    their goals, if they have one or many. The Father allows
    this, because of the importance of human life, and the
    Importance of the Soul that every human life has within

    We see in the world at this time many moral
    weaknesses, much misdirection in spiritual matters, and
    We know that We cannot change the will of any one
    of these individuals, because the freedom of the will is
    a Gift of The Father's, just as the Soul is a Gift of
    The Father's. We see small children being misdirected
    in such unsound, unreasonable ways, permitting them to
    act in weaknesses and abusive ways to themselves and
    to others.

    As I show myself to this little one through whom
    I speak, it is important for you to know that she is
    allowed to see my lips move, and my garments sway
    in the breeze. Not often does this happen, but The
    Father has allowed it for reasons of His Own.

    There are millions of children throughout the world
    who are never instructed properly on the Importance of
    their Soul. By children, I mean all ages, because
    mankind to Us are children of God, bound to Him
    through their Soul.

    Today is an important day, but then all days that
    We hand to mankind, through this little one, Words of
    Direction, Words of Love, Words of Hope, are important
    days. As this Miracle is delivered through her voice,
    and then many times written for others to read, it is a
    Gift beyond anything mankind can compare It to, because
    It is a Gift of Divine Love.

    Mankind finds many reasons to celebrate, and these
    times are important because it has many aspects to it
    that give times to remember, that help mankind better
    understand what a treasure human life is, and how
    important it is to be man.

    The little one stares at My Face. Even though I
    am smiling, she is serious because she realizes that My
    Presence to her, My Words through her are important
    to the whole world of mankind, and that children of all
    ages must hear about this Gift of The Father's that does
    not take eyes for mankind to see, but it takes love based
    on Faith in Him for all things.

    As I close this time with you, I want you to
    remember My Words:

    A Mother's Love is forever,
    A Mother's Love is beyond any human measure,
    A Mother's Hope is that all the children will go
    to Heaven.

    So be it."

    Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
    Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
    All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
    and continuously as witnessed by all those
    present at the time.
    © Copyright 1996 FMK. All rights reserved.
    This is used with the permission of the copyright holder.
    giolla, Jun 1, 2010
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