Safe to remove A/C belt on 89 Caravan 3.0 L?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by sohosources, Dec 23, 2006.

  1. sohosources

    sohosources Guest

    Hi, Gang:

    I have an 89 Grand Caravan that, despite 201k miles on the clock, still
    runs and looks pretty good. Of course, its on its third tranny and
    second engine...but that's another Caravan tale... :)

    During a long road trip a few months ago, my A/C compressor more or
    less died. I had the fan/blower on for defrost which, I guess, must run
    the A/C for some reason. Anyway, when I stopped for gas I heard a nasty
    squealing noise under the hood that stopped when I turned off the
    interior fan. I also noticed that the A/C compressor was toasty hot and
    had oozed most of all of whatever was lubricating it internally. I
    haven't turned on the fan since....

    But now that it's winter in MN...I'd like the fan on for heat and
    defrost...but I don't have a spare pile of cash laying around to fix
    the A/C...

    I'd like to simply disconnect the A/C belt because it's not worth
    fixing... So...

    1. Does the 89 3.0 L run the a/c on its own belt? (I think it does.)

    2. If so, can I simply disconnect it, disabling the compressor (while
    still running the blower for normal heating and defrosting)?

    Thanks for your help,

    --KK in MN
    sohosources, Dec 23, 2006
  2. sohosources

    Mike Guest

    Wouldn't it be easier to just unplug the A/C compressor clutch ?
    Mike, Dec 23, 2006
  3. sohosources

    maxpower Guest

    Yes it does have its own belt, since the clutch is probably shot causing the
    compressor to stay engaged all the time you will have to remove the belt. A
    disconnect of the connector will not work. The only problem here is when you
    get allot of moisture in the vehicle from the snow, your windows will
    collect it and the inop a/c will not get it out. That is why the a/c request
    has been programmed into the defrost mode.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Dec 23, 2006
  4. sohosources

    maxpower Guest

    Yes it does have its own belt, since the clutch is probably shot causing the
    compressor to stay engaged all the time you will have to remove the belt. A
    disconnect of the connector will not work. The only problem here is when you
    get allot of moisture in the vehicle from the snow, your windows will
    collect it and the inop a/c will not get it out. That is why the a/c request
    has been programmed into the defrost mode.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Dec 23, 2006
  5. sohosources

    Scrapper Guest

    yes it's safe if it's not going around water pump or altanator it will
    be all rite...if not go get a belt and tell them it don't have
    i done this to my a 1992 saturn and it worked fine...but it only had 1
    belt...but like i say it worked....

    GOOD LUCK.......

    Scrapper, Dec 23, 2006
  6. sohosources

    MT-2500 Guest

    As said no problem with removing it.
    For a fast easy removal just cut or snip the old belt and pull it out
    of there.
    Some of the 3.0 L V6 engines make it to or over 250K.
    Good Luck
    MT-2500, Dec 23, 2006
  7. sohosources

    philthy Guest

    just cut the belt with a pair of wire cutters or similar tool and unplug the
    compressor and if the cab gets foggy crack the windows
    philthy, Dec 24, 2006
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