RIP Chrysler!!!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Carl Dau, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. Carl Dau

    Carl Dau Guest

    The cheap Japanese automobiles have defeated you - finally.

    Please Rest in Pieces.

    RIP Chrysler!!!
    Carl Dau, Dec 22, 2008
  2. Carl Dau

    Some O Guest

    I was happy with Chrysler vehicles; up to 2004. Certainly not after,
    because of their abandoning good FWD cars. THX Daimler!

    You should learn your facts or use your brain before you spout off your
    BIG mouth.
    The Chrysler vehicles we used to buy, mid sized cars, were lower priced
    than the equivalent Toyota, Honda, Nissan. The Chrysler quality was

    Those cheap "Japanese" vehicles don't suit us, in fact most are too
    small for us to get behind the steering wheel.
    The cheap Japanese cars that fitted us were back in the 70s,
    when I bought 3 Datsun 510s.
    Some O, Dec 24, 2008
  3. I like it... does that mean "we" got bigger, equatorially speaking?


    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 25, 2008
  4. Carl Dau

    Some O Guest

    Nope, not that much larger.
    Once the Japanese got a good foothold in our NA marker, they followed
    the well known path to higher profits, make the passenger space smaller
    in the lower cost cars.
    We suffer from head and leg room in many low cost cars, as well as in
    high cost sports cars.

    Some O, Dec 29, 2008
  5. Didn't there used to be car import quotas in the US? This resulted in only
    bigger, higher margin cars being exported to the US. As the quotas fell
    away more smaller cars came into the US.

    The rest of the world manages very well with 'small' cars. In many city
    streets American 'full size' cars are just physically too big to be of any


    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 29, 2008
  6. Carl Dau

    Miles Guest

    Japanese cars have steadily gotten larger for the most part over the
    years. You don't see Honda AN600 sedans or coupes anymore. The Nissan
    Sentra and Altima are quite a bit larger than the 90's versions.
    American cars have shrunk lately such as the Chevy Aveo.
    Miles, Dec 30, 2008
  7. Carl Dau

    Miles Guest

    Much of that has to do with high taxes on gas in those countries.
    England has been upwards of $9/gallon. Do that here in the USA and
    demand for tiny cars will skyrocket.
    Miles, Dec 30, 2008
  8. Carl Dau

    Lloyd Guest

    The Honda Accord is officially a full-size car, it has so much
    interior room. So your statement is not only false, it shows an
    incredible lack of basic research.
    So get a motorcycle.
    Lloyd, Dec 30, 2008
  9. Carl Dau

    Bill Putney Guest

    Do they come with airbags?
    Bill Putney, Dec 30, 2008
  10. Carl Dau

    marika Guest

    but some things override cost of gas

    need a map for context

    Roanoke is right of middle and on the bottom.
    below it should be Martinsville Patrick County where there is a nascar track
    and Farmsville
    the entire area is staunchly born again or variation thereof, very
    conservative and very confederate, except there's Franklin County
    right above them and below Roanoke which is Moonshine Capital of the
    world -- where Kevin Costner killed all those guys

    Above that should be primarily vacation spots - blue ridge and
    shenandoah, farms, little population

    little cars do well in none of this terrain

    and try and change the culture behind large cars and large motors


    "I tumbled down to the floor by the piano, with my arms thrown out
    instinctively to catch my fall, into the jagged shards of glass. I felt the
    searing, stinging pain that ran from my wrist to the crease inside my elbow.
    Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of
    my arm-into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires."-new
    moon, stephenie meyer
    marika, Jan 1, 2009
  11. Carl Dau

    Miles Guest

    In some cases but I repeat, put $9/gallon gas in the USA and you will
    quickly see the vast majority driving small econo boxes. SUV and truck
    sales took a sharp nosedive in summer of 2008 with $5 diesel and $4 gas.
    Econo cars skyrocketed in sales.
    Miles, Jan 1, 2009
  12. Carl Dau

    Miles Guest

    By whose standards? Compared to what? The Accord is certainly not a
    full sized car compared to the traditional decades old use of the term.
    Miles, Jan 1, 2009
  13. Carl Dau

    Jim Higgins Guest

    Operatove word there is "old". Times have really changed.
    Jim Higgins, Jan 1, 2009
  14. Carl Dau

    Bill Putney Guest

    The picture you've painted of Roanoke (skirted by I81) and surrounding
    area is *very* misleading. You've got VA Tech there. And it's
    Farmville, not Farmsville, home of a university and one college. We
    aren't the Dukes of Hazard and don't have moonshine stills and aren't
    waving confederate flags all over the place. And the thing that Kevin
    Costner did - is it safe to assume that you are referring to a movie - I
    mean, I don't know which movie you are talking about there - that's just
    my ignorance - but I assume you aren't saying that he really killed a
    bunch of people somewhere in the area, but regardless, what would that,
    movie or real, have to do with what kinds of cars people drive?

    BTW - the license plate on one of my cars is "EIEIO-VL" - can you figure
    it out.
    Bill Putney, Jan 1, 2009
  15. Old MacDonald...?...

    Happy New Year.
    Dori A Schmetterling, Jan 1, 2009
  16. Carl Dau

    Bill Putney Guest

    Ha ha! You got it! (some people still won't get it)

    It's based on an old joke: "When I was a kid, we used to sing 'Old
    MacDonald' all the time. I was 23 years old before I realized that
    "farm" was not spelled 'e-i-e-i-o'".

    Very few people get the plate without some hint - in fact, only one
    person in the 4 years I've had it - a 16 year old kid.
    Bill Putney, Jan 1, 2009
  17. Carl Dau

    marika Guest

    What do you mean "we"? I'm from Roanoke. I think I can speak on this
    subject. Which street do you live on there?

    And it's Franklin County that has the stills not Roanoke.

    but anyway what did all that information have to do with the fact that most
    Roanokers still like big trucks, big cars and aren't ready to give them up?


    "but you don't know what it's got til it's gone
    and you don't know what it's like to feel so low and every time you smile or
    laugh you glow
    you don't even know know know"--a little bit longer, jonas brothers
    marika, Jan 1, 2009
  18. Carl Dau

    marika Guest

    So only one person in all of the wherever it is you live has familiarity
    with American style nursery rhymes. Interesting.
    They teach us this song on the Kolhosp when we are very little to
    demonstrate precisely how capitalist your American farming system is.

    I named my first daughter Tractor in commemoration of the glorious workers'

    Her daughter will be named Chrysler!


    "one of y'all you see I'm so paid
    an oh big money Weezy"--Akon
    marika, Jan 1, 2009
  19. Carl Dau

    CopperTop Guest

    Car Classifications certainly have changed. I rent a lot of cars from
    Thrifty and Avis. It may just be a pricing thing with Avis but they
    consider a Toyota Corolla and PT Cruiser now a mid-size car, a Malibu and
    Sebring a full size and a Charger/Impala as premium size. Things certainly
    have changed.
    CopperTop, Jan 1, 2009
  20. Carl Dau

    Bill Putney Guest

    No - that's not what I said. I said that only one person got the
    license plate - there's a difference. If you need me to explain that
    difference, then there's no use in even trying - you still would not get
    it. Maybe one of your local still operator friends can explain it to you
    so you can understand.
    Exactly which part of the song would that be. All I know from the song
    is that he had some pigs and chickens and cows, and they went "oink
    oink", "chick chick", and "moo moo". Something capitalistic about that?
    Was there some other version of the song they were using for
    propaganda? Or is "EIEIO" some acronym with a secret evil capitalist
    Do you call her Tractor, or the Russian word for tractor? If so, I hope
    it has a nicer, more feminine ring to it in Russian. Hmmm - apparently
    not - it appears the Russian word for tractor is in fact трактор (same
    as in English).
    Bill Putney, Jan 1, 2009
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