Responce to Ted/Daniel 93 Acclaim Axel Boot

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by D, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. D

    D Guest


    I didn't know the same people would repsond when I came back. Nothing
    was wrong with the detailed info that I got in May. I carried the car
    to 2 mechanics and they couldn't find anything wrong with it. They
    drove it for several miles, around curves, etc. They said they heard
    the noise, but neither of them could pin point the problem. The last
    one said it might be a wheel bearing, but he said it was only roaring
    in a left curve on acceleration. He said that didn't sound like a
    wheel bearing to him. He said it was a problem that I could end up
    spending a fortune on trying to figure out a noise and he said to just
    let it tear up and then fix it. That's just what I did, but when I
    was under it this morning I just happened to push on the boot and I
    noticed that it was bad. BTW, the last mechanic also made sure the
    engine was centered, and he checked all the engine mounts and said
    everything with that was okay.

    The reason I asked this question this morning was to see if maybe the
    shaft or something had wore out where the boot is worn and maybe that
    was causing the noise?

    Also I was just trying to get an around about figure of what a fair
    price for the job would be, excluding parts, and about how long the
    job would take. I have decided it's not something I have time to do

    Thanks for your time,

    D, Jul 1, 2004
  2. You were expecting maybe chopped liver?
    They didn't hafta. We already told you what was wrong with it!
    Except that you got told exactly what was causing the noise, and that
    knowledge cost you $0.00.
    Using the correct procedure? A *lot* of techs get it wrong.

    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 1, 2004
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