Report: Chrysler buyers could emerge by the end of March

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Higgins, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. Jim Higgins

    Jim Higgins Guest

    Report: Chrysler buyers could emerge by the end of March

    Potential Chrysler Group buyers could present offers for the struggling car
    maker as soon as the end of this month, the Wall Street Journal reports

    Private equity firms including Cerberus Capital Management LLC, Blackstone
    Group and Centerbridge Partners LP met with Chrysler management last week,
    signing confidentiality agreements so they could review detailed financial
    and product information.

    Canadian parts supplier Magna International Inc. also has expressed interest
    in Chrysler.

    Chrysler parent DaimlerChrysler AG hopes to have a short list of potential
    buyers by its general shareholders meeting in Berlin on April 4, the Journal

    2 equity firms are top contenders to buy Chrysler Group, analyst says

    The Blackstone Group and Cerberus Capital Management LP, two private equity
    firms, are the leading contenders to buy the Chrysler Group, according to an
    analyst report issued Tuesday morning by KeyBanc Capital Markets.

    Magna International Inc., a Canadian auto supplier that had been talking
    with the Chrysler Group, was less likely to make a bid because it placed a
    lower value on the Chrysler Group, the KeyBanc report said.

    “While we believe MGA remains interested in taking significant action toward
    Chrysler (alliance, partnership or minority stake), our sources indicate the
    likelihood of such actions is now much reduced,” KeyBanc analyst Brett
    Hoselton wrote in the report.

    Magna Chairman Frank Stronach met with Chrysler Group CEO Tom LaSorda on
    March 9, according to the report.

    Magna showed interest in forming a partnership with a private equity firm.
    Magna would run the Chrysler Group facilities while the private equity group
    would put up
    most of the money as the majority investor.

    Magna, though, values the Chrysler Group at about $4 billion, the KeyBanc
    report says. Private equity buyers have valued the Auburn Hills unit at
    about $5 billion, it said.

    “Our sources have indicated that Cerberus and Blackstone have emerged as the
    leading contenders to acquire Chrysler and that due to valuation issues MGA
    is now playing a smaller role in the sale process,” Hoselton wrote in the

    Cerberus and Blackstone, private equity firms that already have ties to the
    auto industry, reportedly met with Chrysler Group officials last week in
    Auburn Hills.

    These firms, which have billions of dollars in investment money, specialize
    in buying troubled companies and attempting to turn them around to make a

    The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is
    marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and
    comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great
    devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause. Who at the best, knows the
    triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least
    fails while daring greatly.
    T.R. April 10, 1899
    Jim Higgins, Mar 13, 2007
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