Renting 300C, Magnum or Charger

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by John Bartley, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. 23 is the absolute best that I've been able to get with my AWD 300C and
    that only happens on very long drives (hundreds of miles of pure highway
    driving). Generally I'm getting 16-17 in everyday driving and highway
    trips usually peak at 21. My old Concorde got 22 in everyday driving and
    29 on the highway. I agree it's probably not the engine, it's the weight.
    The 300C is a two ton car with a square nose that can't possible have
    decent aerodynamics. The Concorde was lighter and much more streamlined.
    General Schvantzkoph, Nov 21, 2005
  2. John  Bartley

    Whoever Guest

    Not strictly true: it is legal to overtake on the left hand side on a
    one-way road.

    I was told by a UK policeman some years back, during a lecture on road
    safety, that there is not an explicit ban on overtaking on the left on a
    motorway. He then pointed out that a motorway is really 2 one-way roads
    side by side. I think if you were to be charged for overtaking on the
    left, it would be for some vague offense such as "dangerous driving",
    "driving without due care and attention", etc..

    I think it is explicitly legal to overtake on the left if there are
    2 or more streams of traffic and the left hand stream is moving faster
    than the right-hand stream.
    Whoever, Nov 21, 2005
  3. Yes, in heavy traffic. And at low speed only, IIRC. (Don't ask me what
    mph, I think it is a matter of disgression.)

    Mind you, I'd hate to change lanes when a full motorway-load is moving at c.
    90 mph (which I have experienced more than once).


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Nov 21, 2005
  4. Things HAVE improved and I have seen cases where, say, a 2.0 l engine
    consumes as much as or slightly more than a 2.3.

    However, I don't think a 3.5 will use as little as a 2-litre in a similar


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Nov 21, 2005
  5. John  Bartley

    Whoever Guest

    I think the problem is that at anything less than wide open throttle,
    there are pumping losses that are inherent in normal gasoline engine
    design. The only way to counter this is to reduce the effective cylinder
    volume (eg. Atkinson cycle or Miller cycle) or remove the throttle (eg.
    diesel engine).
    Whoever, Nov 21, 2005
  6. John  Bartley

    John Bartley Guest

    Found the 2.7L Magnum strippie & rented it from Enterprise here in
    Portland. 23.4mpg at avg 80MPH up and down the I-5 mountain passes for
    Thanksgiving. Found acceleration better tham my 3.0L 1995 4Runner. Like
    it. Enterprise will sell some of their soon, and I just may get one, if
    the other rides on my "A" list don't measure up.
    John Bartley, Dec 17, 2005
  7. John  Bartley

    John Bartley Guest

    Oddly enough, got 23.1mpg, on the same run, in a 2006 PT Cruiser
    Touring (slushbox, normally-aspirated), same trip down & up I-5 last
    weekend. The Magnum was more nimble and accelerated much better. Go
    John Bartley, Dec 27, 2005
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