Reg versus Premium Fuel experiament in 09 PT Cruiser

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by Ashton Crusher, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. Ashton Crusher

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Different industry, different priorities. Almost none of the Y2K
    problem was in control systems, embedded systems, or the like (a
    mailling list I'm on was considering creating "Certified Y2K compliant"
    stickers to put on our pre-electronic engine management cars. We were
    also considering "Warning: this automobile has not been tested for Y2K
    compliance" stickers to put on cars on used-car lots, but I digress).
    It was almost all in the financial, insurance, and government-regulatory
    etc areas.

    But even given that, I'm not quite sure why you think waiting until your
    bank was suddenly in regulatory non-compliance on 1/1/2000 and starting
    to fix it then would have been better than spending a couple of years
    getting it fixed so the customers (and more importantly, the regulators)
    didn't notice -- the fixes had to happen in any event, the only issue
    was when and how panicked.

    As for your ATM example: if you'd been the manager in charge of the
    software for those machines for your bank and they'd quit working on
    1/1/2000, you'd have been looking for work by some time early that
    morning. And firing you would have been the vice-president you report
    to's last official act (with probably several layers of severed heads in
    between) as well. The only things more important than keeping uptime
    for customers are backup and regulatory compliance (and in banking,
    regulatory compliance includes backups).
    Nor on my machines. But (1) my machines don't have anything major on
    them by the standards I'm describing, and (2) everything had been fixed
    in advance -- which is the point.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Nov 7, 2009
  2. Ashton Crusher

    Bill Putney Guest

    Hah! If you can show me where to find one. Except, I do own a 1942
    Gravely that has points in the magneto - never used a timing light on it
    - always followed the book on statically timing it.
    Of course, as you no doubt know, when you get metal transfer, you get
    peaks and valleys on the points and then feeler gages (or a 3x5 card)
    don't tell you anything with any accuracy.

    Bill Putney, Nov 7, 2009
  3. Ashton Crusher

    Vic Smith Guest

    The problem was the many data files that still contained a 2 digit
    year. All those files had to be converted.
    And any program reading them had to changed and compiled or
    assembled to accommodate the new file format.
    Even if the program did nothing with the date.
    Yes, there were - and probably still are - assembler programs running
    in major apps. I was called recently about taking an assembler job.
    If you think about how much of business data contains a start date -
    birthday, policy, account, etc, etc, etc, and the old data files with
    2 digit years, it's pretty easy to see the scope of the problem.
    Those data files had to plugged with 19 before the calendar flipped to
    20, and of course everything had to be tested up the yazoo first.
    Most stuff was addressed well before crunch time, but there was plenty
    to do in the last 2 years when push came to shove.
    DB2 - the major mainframe database - was designed with 8 digit dates,
    so presented no problem. It was all the old tape and disk files and
    the programs that touched them that posed the problem.

    Vic Smith, Nov 7, 2009
  4. Ashton Crusher

    jim Guest

    Yeah I haven't put a timing light on a small engine much either and I'm
    not sure if points and magneto behave the same as points and coil as far
    as wear patterns.

    Well i did say observe not use a feeler gauge. Also i expect to some
    extent the metal transfer also produces some porosity which takes up
    more space than the original metal and may account for some of the
    closing of the gap.

    jim, Nov 7, 2009
  5. That was my impression, though I admit I haven't researched the issue
    Matthew Russotto, Nov 7, 2009
  6. Yep. The fact that those in the business knew it was coming long
    before the public caught on didn't hurt either. Now the "general
    wisdom" is that Y2K was a "boy who cried wolf" scenario, when actually
    the wolf DID arrive, only to find wolf-proof brick walls and cranky
    called-out-of-retirement COBOL programmers with shotguns :) (they're
    mostly safely back in retirement now, in a better position for the Y2K
    Matthew Russotto, Nov 7, 2009
  7. Not going to be a big problem. The time_t type is 64-bits on any
    modern Unix system. Even Windows uses 64 bits.

    I make no promises for Y10k.
    Matthew Russotto, Nov 7, 2009
  8. And said fix will be a bulb which relies on the incandescence of an
    electrically heated metal filament immersed in an inert gas sealed in
    a glass envelope. Sure, it uses a little more energy, but it's SAFER,
    and more ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY don't you know :)

    Unfortunately GE gave up their research into high-efficiency
    incandescents. I think Phillips is still working on theirs, though,
    both the quartz-capsule HIRs inside a standard bulb envelope and
    exotic filament treaatments.
    Matthew Russotto, Nov 7, 2009
  9. Unix systems got bit, just not as much. I ran into one... a version
    control system which would corrupt the database if it was ever run
    after Y2K. Repairing that (proprietary and undocumented) database to
    the point where we could get the code out of it was not fun. I wish I
    remembered the name of the VCS so I could denigrate it properly, but
    the company is long since out of business anyway.
    Matthew Russotto, Nov 7, 2009
  10. Ashton Crusher

    hls Guest

    I think your date of 2012 is correct for the Maya predictions. There was
    prediction recently which claimed a disaster event for 11-11-09. On that
    date I
    will watch "Law and Order", most likely, and go to bed.
    hls, Nov 7, 2009
  11. Ashton Crusher

    Scott Dorsey Guest

    I did some cleanup work for some people who had a realtime factory automation
    system written in COBOL running on a VMS machine. Don't ask how it got that

    Updating VMS to V5.5 fixed all of the OS-related Y2K issues, none of which
    really mattered anyway since none of the code used the system date. The
    code, however, accepted a human-entered Julian date in the form of two
    digits for the year, then three digits for the number of days since Jan 1.
    It treated the Julian date number as an integer and the only acceptance
    testing it did on the date was that it couldn't be lower than 85000. Which
    of course was a problem when the date turned to 00001.

    Nobody had any of the source code for this mess, so I patched the binary
    so it compared it with 0 instead of 85000. Problem solved. Actual coding
    time about 10 minutes, time to figure out what the code actually did (a
    combination of the operators really having no clue how the system worked
    and a lack of documentation) about two weeks.

    If I'd had the source code, it wouldn't have been a big deal to fix it
    so it calculated the actual Julian date from the system date, but I really
    didn't want to work with this stuff any more than necessary.
    Scott Dorsey, Nov 7, 2009
  12. Ashton Crusher

    Bill Putney Guest

    I have HIR's in one of my Concordes. Apparently they haven't caught on
    yet. I think they even quit making the hi beam (9006) bulb in it. But
    I do have a spare on the shelf (actually was planning on putting that in
    my second Concorde, but haven't gotten aroundtuit since the headlight
    assembly has to be modified slightly to accept angle-based bulbs).
    Bill Putney, Nov 7, 2009
  13. Ashton Crusher

    Bill Putney Guest

    Hah! Yeah - that one's really got me worried. Something tells me there
    will be bigger things to be worried about by then - or maybe all
    problems will be over by then.
    Bill Putney, Nov 7, 2009
  14. Ashton Crusher

    jim Guest

    Well that whole theory that a tankful of leaded fuel protected the
    valves forever was crafted in hindsight, after it became clear that old
    engines were not burning valves with unleaded gasoline as had been
    If you do research you might look at the studies done by those who
    build engines designed to run on LPG. What those studies demonstrated
    is that soot makes some difference in wear on valves. Hardened valves
    were used in LPG engines long before they were used in gasoline engines
    because LPG engines eat valves more than gasoline engines. The reason LP
    gas engines erode valves faster is because they burn so cleanly. The
    valves erode because of the clean metal on metal contact. Tests have
    shown that you can counter the valve wear problem in LPG engines by just
    burning a tiny amount of oil along with the LPG. The soot produced
    protects the valves. It should be obvious that 1960's gasoline engines
    did not have this problem of burning fuel too cleanly.

    If you do your research you will note that the tests that showed the
    benefit of lead were all done under very extreme conditions where
    engines were run at extremely high rpm high load conditions. It has
    never been demonstrated that lead makes a noticeable difference in valve
    wear under normal driving conditions.

    Where TEL did make a clear difference was in oil refinery economics. It
    allowed the oil companies to produce and sell the mix of products that
    maximized profits. In simple terms, it was a way to increase demand
    plus lower production cost.

    Another big difference that has resulted from removing lead from
    gasoline is engines last longer without lead, oil change intervals can
    be made longer and spark plugs last considerably longer. Those changes
    have been documented in side by side comparisons of the same engines on
    the 2 types of fuel. Those differences are directly related to removing
    lead from the fuel and not changes in engine design or changes in
    materials used.

    jim, Nov 7, 2009
  15. Ashton Crusher

    Rob Guest

  16. Ashton Crusher

    Scott Dorsey Guest

    I think your date of 2012 is correct for the Maya predictions. There was
    The major disaster that will happen on 11-11-09 is that almost everyone will
    forget the anniversary of the armistice. People need to remember what happens
    when countries get embroiled in badly-thought-out wars. That's what the day
    is all about...
    Scott Dorsey, Nov 7, 2009
  17. Ashton Crusher

    E. Meyer Guest

    My personal feeling, based on observation, is that the world was and is at
    much greater risk due to unspec'd, untested & unverified software being
    hacked out in third world countries than anything we could ever conceive
    related to two digit date years. All that Y2K hype sure did keep a bunch of
    SW people employed for a year or so though.
    E. Meyer, Nov 7, 2009
  18. Ashton Crusher

    Scott Dorsey Guest

    What the Y2K hype did was cause a lot of people to go back and go through
    some of their old code and do documentation and maintenance work that was
    years if not decades overdue.

    People who get badly-designed and badly-tested code from the lowest bidder
    are indeed a problem. But people who think they don't need to do spend money
    to properly document what they have, and don't think they need to spend money
    to keep what they have up to date, they're just as much of one.
    Scott Dorsey, Nov 7, 2009
  19. Ashton Crusher

    hls Guest

    With all due respect, Scott, we get badly designed and poorly debugged code
    from MicroSoft.

    Windows Vista sucks buffalo whangs.

    But I know what you mean.. Our VP in charge of communications cut a deal
    years ago with Lotus for our corporate software. They paid $50 per user to
    and this was some of the worst software I ever saw. After several years of
    and groaning, the Lotus software upgrades brought it into respectable
    Then, the Information Services jerks cancelled it and bought Microsoft.
    This caused
    a LOT of older data, reports, etc to move quickly to incompatible formats.

    I have one personal computer running Linux and using Open Office. I may
    never buy
    another Microsoft based OS or bit of software if I can help it.
    hls, Nov 7, 2009
  20. Ashton Crusher

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    You say it like you're disagreeing.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Nov 8, 2009
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