Re-Circulate (How to Reprogram?)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Cournoyer, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. Cournoyer

    Cournoyer Guest

    I have a 2003 Town and Country (Caravan), and I am tired of having to press
    the recirculate button every time we restart the van. I live in Los Angeles,
    and there is NEVER a time when I want the outside air (SMOG) inside our van.
    If I do I will deselect it. I disassembled the heater control and it looks
    like computers have taken over! Does anybody know how to reprogram this
    function to stay on?

    Cournoyer, Oct 26, 2003
  2. Think very carefully about it for a moment: The outside air (smog) is
    already inside your van. All you do by hitting Recirc is allow the
    already-dirty air inside your van to become progressively more and more
    stale. There is no scrubber system, no means by which for the dirty air
    where you live to get any cleaner by dint of staying in your van. Recirc
    is off by default for a very good reason: Fresh dirty air is better than
    stale dirty air. If you don't like it, move out of LA.
    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 26, 2003
  3. Cournoyer

    Sam Man Guest

    It is setup to reduce the chance that windows will fog up.
    When you run in recirc too long under certian conditions the windshield can
    fog up and make driving impossible.
    So the automakers engineers (me) programmed it to not allow you to do this.
    Sam Man, Oct 27, 2003
  4. Cournoyer

    Kevin Guest

    It's in the owners manual.


    Kevin, Oct 27, 2003
  5. Cournoyer

    mic canic Guest

    but the van comes with a hepa filter mounted in the h.v.a.c. housing
    mic canic, Oct 28, 2003
  6. Cournoyer

    mic canic Guest

    i can hear sam man patting self on bac!!!! did you happen to work on the a/c
    lines on the new durango??? can they be gotten to with out pulling the motor???
    frickin engineers you guys should be required to spend 1 year working flat rate
    at the dealer wrenching on them before any of ya can be hired for engineering
    mic canic, Oct 28, 2003
  7. A HEPA filter does one thing and one thing only: It removes
    *particulates*. Dust and large smoke particles. It does not purify the
    air, turn smoggy air into clean air, or turn stale air into fresh air.

    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 28, 2003
  8. Cournoyer

    Sam Man Guest

    I spent ten years (at flat rate) at the dealer wrenching before finishing
    school and going to work as an engineer, that was over eighteen years ago.
    It was the best experience I could have had for my job. I agree with your
    assesment, all engineers should go thru a dealer for a few months....

    Unfortunately, trade offs have to be made. Although I wasn't involved with
    Durango I suspect that cost, and packaging played the primary role in how
    the lines ended up...
    Sam Man, Oct 29, 2003
  9. Cournoyer

    Sam Man Guest

    It is not a HEPA filter.... It is a simple particulate filter with an
    activated charcoal layer, and it is optional on minivans so not all have
    Sam Man, Oct 29, 2003
  10. Cournoyer

    mic canic Guest

    but isn't cali air particulates now????

    mic canic, Oct 30, 2003
  11. Cournoyer

    mic canic Guest

    ok now i,m patting you on the bac

    mic canic, Oct 30, 2003
  12. Cournoyer

    Cournoyer Guest

    Kevin are you sure? I don't believe it in there (The manual). All I see

    is that you push it to turn it on, and that it resets is self when the

    ignition is turned off. Maybe you are talking about a TECH manual, and if

    so, how about sharing this knowledge with me. And Daniel, I prefer the

    filtered (recirculated) air over fresh smelly (Diesel) air.

    Cournoyer, Nov 2, 2003
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