Radio problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Phil Marshall, May 10, 2006.

  1. Hi:

    I have a 1998 Ply Neon with factory radio & the multi-disc trunk mounted
    CD changer. A few days ago the AM radio quit working. The FM was fine.
    I thought that maybe the antenna lead had come loose so I pulled the radio
    to check it out.
    What I found out was that the 'FM Modulator' used to send the CD signal to
    the head unit had crapped out. I ended up by-passing it and running the
    antenna straight into the radio. Problem solved.

    My question - Why would the modulator allow the FM signal though, but not
    the AM? I would think it would be a 'all or nothing' scenario.

    [SPS Special Performance Series Model CDC-625 apparently built by Audiovox]

    Phil Marshall, May 10, 2006
  2. Phil Marshall

    kmatheson Guest

    That does seem strange. I too, use an aftermarket FM modulator that I
    installed myself. It needs to have it's own power source to work. I
    find that if I leave it on all the time, it does interfere with both AM
    & FM reception. I installed a switch to get around this problem. When
    it is off, it does not cause any problem with radio reception.

    If your FM modulator has a power source, it mostly likely comes on when
    the CD changer is on. There may be a relay that has malfunctioned,
    causing it to stay on all the time.

    kmatheson, May 10, 2006
  3. Phil Marshall

    philthy Guest

    fm radios now are the norm and they build the radios geared more towards the use
    of fm and not am
    u can actually unplug the antenna and pick up stations were am won't do that
    unlessd u are real close to the station

    philthy, May 13, 2006
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