Radio player turning on problem on Neon 2001 SE

Discussion in 'Neon' started by RolandNeon, Jan 1, 2006.

  1. RolandNeon

    RolandNeon Guest

    I have a 2001 Dodge Neon SE. Some time ago the radio stop to work. When a
    push the turn-on button, the radio station led begins to blinking (three or
    four times), a “tick” sound is audible from the speakers each time the led
    panel turn on/off, and then the radio turning off.
    First time I though it was a battery problem because when a disconnected and
    connect the battery, the radio became alive again. But if I touched the dial
    button (for example: to raise the volume) the radio turned off.
    A replace the battery for a new, one but the problem persist. Any idea? Thank
    you in advance.
    RolandNeon, Jan 1, 2006
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