Question About ATF+4 and My 1987 T & C

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mumbato, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. I stand behind my recommendation, see above...

    Richard Ehrenberg, Jul 22, 2004
  2. Mumbato

    Neil Nelson Guest

    You know it and I know it, but there are some here who will
    disbelieve anything that wasn't told to them by their professor
    in college.
    Neil Nelson, Jul 22, 2004
  3. Yes, or any subsequent Dexron. No dispute. But coefficient of friction is
    only *one of many* performance characteristic of automatic transmission
    fluid, and the rest of the specs of Type F are substantially inferior to
    current-formulation fluids.
    'Zat so? What about the one in the Duster that lost 3rd gear in Michigan
    during One Lap?

    And even if it *were* true, remember that correlation doesn't imply
    causation. The Chrysler 3-speeds are bulletproof despite improper fluid
    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 22, 2004
  4. Mumbato

    Art Guest

    Are you providing indemnification against AT failure to anyone following
    your advice?
    Art, Jul 22, 2004
  5. No, Art, he's not. You see, he assumes -- like most people capable of
    thinking clearly would -- that everyone is ultimately responsible for
    their own actions, choices and decisions. He might as well recommend
    you urinate into the dipstick tube, because it wouldn't make one iota
    of difference as to who the blame would fall upon when the
    transmission fails. You see, Art, it's assumed that the folks posting
    to this group can think for themselves, and are either here to a.) get
    a little insight/direction on resolving their car problems b.) discuss
    the joys (or the sadnesses) of owning/driving Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep
    and Eagle-branded vehicles or c.) offer advice to others.
    Occasionally we get off-topic; that's okay, it's Usenet. But you're
    never, ever allowed to check your brain at the door before you enter
    here and use that as an excuse for a subsequent misadventure. And
    you're never, ever going to successfully put the financial
    responsibility on someone else here for your own stupidity, even if
    they gave you bad advice. Sorry.

    So I recommend you go back to your attempt to figure out how to
    program your lawyer's number into your cellphone's speed-dial list,
    and shut up with the stupid, half-baked crap already.

    Geoff Gariepy, Jul 22, 2004
  6. That failure was simply a snap ring on a servo, improperly installed. Was
    fixed in 10 minutes once we had time to drop the pan! It did NOT blow up. It
    just would not upshift to third - it did NOT slip. In fact, after I
    converted that car to an A-518, I gave the 727 to a guy who is still using
    it, unmodified and unrepaired, in a 360 B-van. As I recall it was dead stock
    exept for a B&M Transpak, never rebuilt. But that's a long time ago!

    The biggest advance in tranny fluid in recent years is LIFE. (The fluid, not
    the tranny!) Yes, if you only want to change the fluid every 10/100K, go
    with the recommended stuff. Which is also what I would advise on A-604s (or
    newer spinoffs an "multispeed) units), Jeep Jap trannys, and ZFs. But on the
    3-speeds, and even the A-500 and 518, Type F is the plan for any kind of
    performance driving. And, no, if you're tranny blows up, don't ask me to fix
    it (unless you come with lots of $$$). But if it does expire, it won't be
    the F that did the deed - in fact, in all likelyhood, it will have put off
    that fatal day.


    Richard Ehrenberg, Jul 22, 2004
  7. That's one advancement in trans fluid in recent years, but it's certainly
    not the only one, and the engineers who actually, y'know, *make* the
    advancements happen, and who write the SAE papers on transmission fluid
    advancements -- from DaimlerChrysler and all the other knowledgeable
    parties -- seem to disagree with you that trans fluid life is "the biggest
    I disagree with you, but that's fine. I also think it's dumb to use
    Champion spark plugs and Fram oil filters and Bosch O2 sensors, but many
    people do so with fine results.
    It's "your", not "you're". You edit a magazine; you know that.
    I've still seen no evidence to support this opinion -- just assertions
    stacked on top of assertions stacked on top of uncontrolled anecdotal
    reports. Until there's some hard evidence, I continue to think Type-F in a
    Torqueflite is a poor idea.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 22, 2004
  8. Mumbato

    Art Guest

    Wow, I'm surprised someone who cannot recognize humor knows what the work
    indemnification means.
    Art, Jul 23, 2004
  9. Mumbato

    Geoff Guest

    I disagree with you, but that's fine. I also think it's dumb to use
    Whoa! What's wrong with Champion plugs? Which are better?

    Geoff, Jul 23, 2004
  10. And I'm surprised that somebody with your level of brain function can
    muster up enough synapses to *type*, let alone come up with the word

    In order for humor to be recognized, it first has to exist. If you
    thought you were being funny, you were the only one.

    By the way, the one you were trying to type was 'word', not 'work'.

    Geoff Gariepy, Jul 23, 2004
  11. Mumbato

    Art Guest

    Wow this genius thinks he speaks for the whole world.
    Do me a favor. If you can figure out how to use your newsreader properly,
    please filter out my posts.
    Art, Jul 23, 2004
  12. I'm not going to help re-start the plug wars.

    I have had Champion spark plugs fail (simply quit sparking) too early, too
    often, too many times. Therefore, I no longer use them. I used Autolites
    very happily for many years, but just recently have had excellent results
    with NGK.

    My Bosch spark plug experience matches my Bosch O2 sensor experience
    matches my Champion spark plug experience.

    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 23, 2004
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