ques regarding park/ignition interlock

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by danny burstein, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. Grand Voyager, 1998, auto transm. Problem occurred a couple
    of evenings ago - I was in a store's parking lot,
    put in the ignition key, and it wouldn't turn.

    (Tried a second key I had also).

    Figured it was an interlock issue, so tried shaking
    the transmission lever, moving the steering wheel,
    etc., but no good.

    A friendly mechanic suggested rocking the car (by
    hand) back and forth, and that worked...

    I got home and hoped it was a once-only event. But
    the next morning it happened again (not as bad, though,
    and I was able to start up again).

    Can't get to the shop for a couple more days, so what
    I've been doing (cover your eyes before reading...) is
    _leaving_ the key in with the ignition set to "off"
    rather than "lock", and using my other key to secure
    the door. (fortunately my main parking spots are
    private enough that this s ok).

    Related problem is that this drains the battery, but
    I can deal with that if needed.

    Any suggestions as to how much work fixing this
    (and how much money...) will take? Thanks muchly.
    danny burstein, Jan 23, 2006
  2. danny burstein

    maxpower Guest

    The ignition switch Tumblers (wafers ) are worn out preventing the key from
    turning. As you are turning the key tap on it with a heavy object several
    time such as a wrench or small hammer and the key will turn.
    Have the switch replaced or rebuilt.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler tech
    maxpower, Jan 23, 2006
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