Push Bar..

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by M Hayes529, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. M Hayes529

    M Hayes529 Guest

    I am looking for a push bar for my 87 Grand Fury... Seeing that these were
    police cars did someone make a bar???????? I think it would look good on it and
    will keep those pesky Honda's and Toyota's away from the front of the beast...

    M Hayes529, Jan 8, 2004
  2. M Hayes529

    Karl Rove Guest

    I am looking for a push bar for my 87 Grand Fury... Seeing that these were
    Ask your brother Elwood how to make one. He knows.

    God Bless,

    "Thousands have died for my Freedom, ONE HAS DIED
    Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord .. Psalm 33:12
    Karl Rove, Jan 8, 2004
  3. M Hayes529

    M Hayes529 Guest

    Sure, thanks....Maybe I will call Jessie James and see if he can make on for me
    on Monstor garage....

    M Hayes529, Jan 8, 2004
  4. When I was younger, I had a set of push bumpers on the front of my '78
    Plymouth Fury - retired WSP pursuit vehicle.

    It proved to be a great way to meet Law Enforcement personnel - none of
    which were too happy.

    Here's where I got them: http://www.setina.com/

    They're based in Washington - a great company to deal with.

    Have a great week.

    Scott B. Hogle, Jan 8, 2004
  5. M Hayes529

    M Hayes529 Guest

    Thanks... I contacted them and hope they have some hanging around the

    M Hayes529, Jan 9, 2004
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