PT with seat belt jammed

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by jc, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. jc

    jc Guest

    For reasons beyond me, the wife wrapped the seat belt on the
    passenger's side around the back of the headrest on our PT Cruiser.
    Now, it is locked, wrapped around the headrest. Is there any sort of
    release for the belt locking mechanism? Or perhaps a way to remove
    the headrest so we can get it back to normal?

    Much thanks.
    jc, Sep 28, 2007
  2. jc

    kmath50 Guest

    Is it locked like the "G-force" sensor has locked it, or is it just
    jammed? If it is jammed, sometimes pulling on it a little will release
    it. If the sensor has locked it, the other belts should be locked too.

    kmath50, Sep 28, 2007
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