PT Suspension mushy...

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by BREWERPAUL, Aug 3, 2004.



    I've had my '03 PT for 15K miles and I'm not sure if it's my imagination or if
    the front suspension has gotten a bit mushy. I seem to recall it being pretty
    taught when I bought the car.This is naturally more noticeable on potholes
    (which upstate NY has in abundance). Does anyone have a similar experience?
    It's going in for the normal 15K servicing on Friday, and I've alerted the
    dealership to look for this, but I don't know if I really expect them to come
    up with anything. Anyone know of TSBs on this problem? Is it likely to simply
    be my imagination?

    Got wood?
    Check out my exotic hardwood pennywhistles at fair
    BREWERPAUL, Aug 3, 2004
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