Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by up north, Dec 13, 2004.

  1. up north

    up north Guest

    i have been watching the group for comments on the cruiser, i have not seen
    any and there are thousands on the road, i am going to buy one in january,
    is there a seperate ng for them.
    up north, Dec 13, 2004
  2. up north


    there are PT groups out there, but no actual newsgroups that I'm aware of.
    This group seems to be more car-problem oriented.
    Love my own cruiser. Enjoy yours!

    Got wood?
    Check out my exotic hardwood pennywhistles at fair
    BREWERPAUL, Dec 13, 2004
  3. up north

    Art Guest

    Art, Dec 13, 2004
  4. up north

    L Guest

    Or checkout
    it has a fairly active forum section as well as many other attractions for
    the PT enthusiast; some require registration, which is free.
    L, Dec 13, 2004
  5. up north Guest

  6. up north

    damnnickname Guest

    The PT Crusier has proven to be a very reliable vehicle without any
    problems so far, plugs and wires going bad has been the issue and Chrysler
    came out with a different type of both that seemed to fix the problem
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Dec 14, 2004
  7. up north

    Richard Guest

    Three big negatives with mine.

    Too slow (for me) with automatic.
    Poor fuel economy (18 to 20 over three years).
    Very very wide turning circle with automatic.

    Other than that it has been a great experience.

    Richard, Dec 14, 2004
  8. up north

    SRG Guest

    Another problem that seems to be cropping up more and more: The
    multi-function switch, which controls the lights, fog lights, high-beams,
    dome (interior)lights and turn signals, fails and works erratically.

    SRG, Dec 14, 2004
  9. up north

    maxpower Guest

    I agree with the turning, it stinks
    maxpower, Dec 14, 2004
  10. up north

    maxpower Guest

    hmm I havent seen that yet, dont think i have had to replace a multifunction
    switch to date

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Dec 14, 2004
  11. up north

    SRG Guest

    Well, I've seen it in mine, at least one other club member, and its listed
    as one of the top 10 problems on PTDIY. I've also read numerous posts
    about it on different PT forums. As I said, "it seems to be cropping up
    more and more", probably because PTs are getting older.

    SRG, Dec 14, 2004
  12. up north

    Matt Whiting Guest

    This isn't unique to the PT. I've replaced the one on my 96 GV as well
    as my 94 Chevy K1500.

    Matt Whiting, Dec 14, 2004
  13. up north

    L Guest

    Negatives 1 and 2 are closely related<smile>.
    I was at first disappointed with the performance of my PT w/automatic
    (delivered June 2000); after a short while, I learned where the power curve
    is on this vehicle and found enough power for my needs. The worst mileage I
    ever had was 20mpg in mixed driving, during summer with A/C in frequent use.
    No or little A/C, in mixed driving I get 22mpg. I have never taken it on a
    long, highway only trip, therefor have no idea what mileage it could get.

    Never noticed the trning circle issue.

    The problems I have had (other than two recalls, which were taken care of
    before becoming a problem) are electrical. The radio controls stopped
    working; the radio played just fine, I just couldn't change the station,
    change the volume or turn it off; repaired under warranty. The only other
    problem was smoke started coming out of the steering column, where
    turn-signal lever goes in; turn the key off, still smoke. As it happened, I
    was driving past a dealer when it started, I turned around, pulled in the
    dealer's service area and 45 minutes later was on my way; no, charge.

    Even with those problems, this was the best new car I have ever bought. Fit
    and finish were outstanding; four-and-a-half years later, fit and finish is
    still good.
    L, Dec 14, 2004
  14. up north

    L Guest

    I just mentioned it in reply to another message in this thread. On my 2001
    (delivered in 2000) the control started smoking and had to be replaced).
    The problem occurred about a year ago.
    L, Dec 14, 2004
  15. up north

    Punch Guest

    240 hp with turbo high output and mopar stage 1 in automatic

    yep it sucks!!!

    never noticed, but you could practice 3 point turns, or emergency brake
    turns : )
    Punch, Dec 15, 2004
  16. up north

    Punch Guest

    I belong to various pt groups and haven't come across this one yet,
    hopefully that's a bug that's been ironed out of newer models.
    Punch, Dec 15, 2004
  17. up north

    Guest Guest

    I have an 01 6 speed manual. It too has a wide turn radius. Why would
    the automatic have a wider one?

    Guest, Dec 15, 2004
  18. up north

    Punch Guest

    not sure, but it does have wider, I believe the tranny casing is bigger,
    thus not allowing the steering "linkages...." to turn as much as the
    standard car.
    Punch, Dec 15, 2004
  19. up north

    Dan Gates Guest

    I have never seen a good multi-function switch. They all have problems
    because of all of the functions, and therefore connections and switches,
    required in such a small space.

    I have replaced them on Toyota Tercels, Dodge Neons, a Ford Taurus and
    a Ford Escort GT.

    Put the damned switches on the dash and reach, once in a while, it might
    be good exercise! |>)

    Dan Gates, Dec 15, 2004
  20. up north

    Art Guest

    The worse is GM. THey must have a contest to decide how many functions can
    go on one stalk so it cannot be figured out while driving.
    Art, Dec 15, 2004
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