PT Cruiser Questions

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by Steve Moore, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. Steve Moore

    Steve Moore Guest

    I have a 2002 with 23,000 miles. I noticed when I was washing it yesterday
    that the black "window panels" that border the windows are fading. I also
    noticed that the back bumper has a similar problem on each end. Anyone else
    having problems with sun damage?

    I also seem to remember reading something about the factory tires on these
    cars being bad. I've developed a vibration that feels like a broken belt.
    Happen to any other PT owners?

    So far, I've had the interior panel around the radio and AC controls replaced,
    as well as the airbag sensor. I also have vanishing coolant and oil - down a
    quart of oil between changes and slowly losing coolant. The dealership
    couldn't find anything either time I've had it checked. Ideas? My only
    theory is a headgasket, but the thing has never been hot..........

    Steve Moore, Oct 20, 2003
  2. Steve Moore

    Punch Guest

    Steve join one of the many forum type groups for the pt cruiser, I have a
    2003 gt, so far no problems, but I have read about the bumber discoloration
    it was due to the tape the used at the factory.

    I belong to

    Punch, Oct 20, 2003
  3. Steve Moore

    god Guest

    wax the window panels on occasion.


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    god, Oct 21, 2003
  4. Steve Moore

    BraytonAK Guest

    I agree. Wash them up so that they're nice and clean, and be sure to dry
    them before the sun causes water spots. Then use a wax or polish on them,
    but not a cleaner-wax style. Cleaner wax would be too abrasive. Once you
    have something on them to protect them (the wax or polish) they will look
    nice for a very long time.
    BraytonAK, Oct 21, 2003
  5. Steve Moore

    Mark Stuart Guest

    I haven't had any problems with my 2001 Limited Edition. I did have a
    slight vibration at speeds over 50 MPH, but a wheel alignment took care
    of that. Sometimes speed bumps in parking lots can cause the alignment
    to change if hit hard enough at an angle. I have noticed this on all my
    FWD cars from various manufacturers.
    The black surrounds on the windows are fine, but I do use Armor-All on
    all the plastic parts outside which are not painted the body color. The
    bumpers are not true black, but more grey on my car and there is
    uniformity in the color, so I don't have a clue as to why yours has a
    I think your suggestion about the head gasket is probably more correct
    than not. Does there seem to be water in the oil? I remember someone
    writing about their 2002 PT having to have the head gasket replaced. I
    don't remember whether it was in this newsgroup or on a forum somewhere,
    Occasionally, some things are not made as well as they should be and
    someone gets the crappy end of the stick. You may have a bad head
    gasket or a poor assembly of head to block. BTW, my tires are original
    factory tires and I have 29.000 miles on them and no other problems than
    the vibration due to mis-alignment.

    Hope you get it solved,

    Mark Stuart, Oct 21, 2003
  6. Steve Moore

    Art Begun Guest

    I saw a PT Crusiser the other day with a panel in horrible shape. No
    amount of wax would have saved it. There must be some defective
    panels out there.

    Art Begun, Oct 21, 2003
  7. Steve Moore

    CopperTop Guest

    There are some defective ones but I think the root of the problem may be car
    washes or too harsh of chemicals being used to clean them. Many have had
    their black panels replaced under warranty. The ones on my 2001 PT are in
    perfect shape, I do clean them, dry them and wax them regularly. The PT
    does not go through a car wash. However...on my 2002 Dodge Intrepid, I do
    run it through a wash and they did the same thing. They were replaced under
    warranty. And the replacements are doing the same thing. Before the car is
    out of warranty, I will have them replaced.

    Many PT Cruiser owners have had theirs painted the same color of the car
    which looks good. Waxing still required.
    CopperTop, Oct 21, 2003
  8. Steve Moore

    Art Begun Guest

    My 99 300M has similar panels and are in fine shape. Been thru plenty
    of car washes and not waxed for ages so I would think the bad panels
    are defective.
    Art Begun, Oct 22, 2003
  9. Steve Moore

    CopperTop Guest

    Not all of them do it. But I think you'll find all that have faded are
    regular car wash users. Mine didn't for a year but just in the last 8
    months, it's happened twice. I think it's the individual car wash, maybe
    not all of them dump the cheapest or strongest cleaner they can find in
    CopperTop, Oct 22, 2003
  10. Steve Moore

    Steve Moore Guest

    Au contraire:) I have never taken my PT through a car wash, and I never
    will. I've been using Turtle Wax brand car wash soap since I got it. My car
    does sit out quite a bit, and my theory is that my panels just couldn't take
    the sun exposure.

    Are these panels hard to remove? I like the idea of painting them to match
    the body.

    Steve Moore, Oct 22, 2003
  11. Steve Moore

    CopperTop Guest

    I have no idea what is involved with removing them. You may want to get a
    price from a body shop to have them and your bumpers painted. The whitish
    tape marks on each end of the bumper is becoming more of a problem as the
    01/02's start aging.
    CopperTop, Oct 22, 2003
  12. Steve Moore

    Bill Putney Guest

    The 300M ezBoard has a sub-forum devoted almost exclusively to this
    problem and fixing it - the sub-forum is titled "Black Trim and
    Weatherstripping" under the "General Maintenance" heading. I will have
    to start reading thru there myself as the windshield moldings on my
    Concorde are starting to show bare metal.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 22, 2003
  13. Steve Moore

    Art Begun Guest

    In case anyone is thinking about ranking on Chrylser quality regarding
    this, I've see Acura's with the same problem but their's looked
    unfixable. The Acura seemed to have a layer of black material on top
    of chrome window molding and the black material seems to rip off in
    small chunks.
    Art Begun, Oct 23, 2003
  14. Steve Moore

    CopperTop Guest

    No ranking on quality here. I've had a number of cars from Audi's to
    Volvo's and a lot of US cars, this PT has not been in the shop yet for
    anything except oil changes and routine maintanance and it has 52k miles and
    is 3 years old. Still no rattles, runs great, looks great. The fit and
    finish were superb when it was new and it has held up fantastically. I do
    question Chrysler's choice in metals for the rotors, brake pads last longer
    than the rotors, but other than complaints.
    CopperTop, Oct 23, 2003
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