PT Cruiser misting up

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by Bob Dodds, Nov 26, 2005.

  1. Bob Dodds

    Bob Dodds Guest

    Just drove my 2003 PT Cruiser CRD through heavy snow for the first time and
    was surprised how well it handled. No slipping even on hard packed snow. I
    did have a problem with the windows misting up badly and finished up driving
    with the heater on full and blowing on demist to the windscreen which only
    kept the centre clear. The side windows were wet by the time I reached the
    low lands and the snow cleared. Then the screen cleared easily and I could
    turn the fan to a slower speed. Anyone have an idea why this happened and
    how to stop it?
    Bob Dodds, Nov 26, 2005
  2. Bob Dodds

    me! Guest

    Make certain the air control is on outside air... NOT recycling inside air..
    me!, Nov 26, 2005
  3. Bob Dodds

    Bob Dodds Guest

    Yes it was on outside air, I hardly ever use recirc.
    Bob Dodds, Nov 26, 2005
  4. Bob Dodds

    Coasty Guest

    Check to see if your AC compressor is runnung while on defrost if not that
    is the problem.
    Coasty, Nov 26, 2005
  5. Bob Dodds

    pottsy Guest


    We're on our 3rd Cruiser and they've all been the same.
    Either we get a clear screen or we get clear side windows but not both.
    It's a bit of a poor design really.
    We try not to get too soggy before we get into the car.

    pottsy, Nov 26, 2005
  6. Bob Dodds

    Coasty Guest

    A good PT Cruiser link
    Coasty, Nov 26, 2005
  7. Bob Dodds

    Bob Dodds Guest

    Thanks, that could be a pointer as I had to get out a couple of times to
    clear the snow build up off the wipers and I was a lot whiter when I got
    back in the car.

    A friend says a wet pollen filter could be a cause as well but does a PT
    Cruiser have one?

    Bob Dodds, Nov 26, 2005
  8. Bob Dodds

    maxpower Guest

    Make sure the A/C system is fully charged and working properly to remove the
    moisture from inside the vehicle.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 26, 2005
  9. Well, even a tiny pinhole leak in the heater plumbing inside the car
    (core, pipes, possibly valve) can cause incredible amounts of very
    stubborn steam on the windows...
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 26, 2005
  10. Bob Dodds

    BF Guest

    I wonder, might it not be better to use recirculate with the AC removing
    excesss moisture? Assuming the cabin is a closed system (not too far from
    true, maybe) then removing moisture will eventually reduce the relative
    humidity below a point that it will condense on the windows as frost or
    mist. A closed cabin has a finite amount of water and removing it will
    eventually accomplish the above, the question is: how closed is closed and
    how long to reduce the RH low enough.
    BF, Nov 26, 2005
  11. Bob Dodds

    Bob Dodds Guest

    Aircon has worked fine all year so I don't think that's a problem. OK
    British summers are not like hotter climes but the car would go pretty cold
    if the aircon was on full blast. Also the earlier comment about a pinhole in
    the heater matrix would show up all the time surely, plus the misting
    cleared on the windscreen once I got out of the snow. Side windows were
    still pretty wet until I dried them with a cloth. The only other thing I've
    just thought of is the fan speed control was set blow in the white area of
    the dial not the blue area which I would use for the aircon. Was this

    Bob Dodds, Nov 26, 2005
  12. Bob Dodds

    Matt Whiting Guest

    If you are in recirculate, where is the water going to go?

    Matt Whiting, Nov 26, 2005
  13. Bob Dodds

    BF Guest

    AC on, out the drain tube.

    BF, Nov 26, 2005
  14. Bob Dodds

    maxpower Guest

    The mode and recirculation controls are mechanically interlocked on this
    vehicle so that the recirc control cannot be placed in the recirc position
    if the mode is at or between the mix and defrost position

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 26, 2005
  15. NO!

    Using recirculate will cause the air inside the car to become extremely
    stale and wet.
    Only if you stop breathing.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 26, 2005
  16. Bob Dodds

    philthy Guest

    if the carpet is wet this can happen and there is not much u can do about
    philthy, Nov 26, 2005
  17. Bob Dodds

    pottsy Guest


    If the dial is set to demist the the front screen the aircon operates to dry
    the air anyway, so it don't make any difference whether you use the aircon
    Our car did the 'demist the front screen and leave the side windows misted'
    thing this very evening, it's one thing or the other, and I usually clear
    the front screen 'cos I try not to go sideways that often :)

    pottsy, Nov 26, 2005
  18. Bob Dodds

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    You needn't worry about sideways travel; the sunroof is provided
    as an option for those that do much sideways travelling.

    Mind, it doesn't have a "demister", so it should be fully opened
    before attempting sideways travel.

    Ken Weitzel, Nov 26, 2005
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