PT Cruiser Lease ?

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by Elizabeth, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    Can anyone give me an idea of what I should pay for a PT Cruiser lease ...
    36-48 months; I'm looking at the lower end without all the fancy stuff, with
    sticker prices about $17,000-18,000

    My credit is good/very good .. have paid off several car leases and loans on
    time ... I live in the Houston, TX area ...

    Also, anyone know if the current rebate of $1000 is likely to be extended,
    renewed, etc. after it expires tomorrow (Jan 31) ??

    Thanks in advance for any advice !

    Elizabeth, Jan 31, 2007
  2. If you can find a 2006 PT- I would consider buying one. There is a $3000
    dealer incentive on them right now. If you know someone who is an employee
    you can get a 2006 Touring edition for $13,900 after the rebate and EP
    discount- it lists at $18,500.
    Scott Koprowski, Jan 31, 2007
  3. Elizabeth

    who Guest

    Wow they sell for less in Canada.
    I suggest you shop around for that lease.
    For a 48 month lease or a lease for the Chrysler guarantee period, it
    may be better to buy.
    They're clearing them out.
    A few years after there are no more new ones, they may go up in price on
    who, Feb 2, 2007
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