Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by fcouno, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. fcouno

    fcouno Guest

    simmilar problem to the master cylinder posted by JAN - OHIO
    but in hydrahulic reservoir. What do you think the problem can be.
    Well, I take the car to the dealer and guess what, when they turn my PT
    I was parking an CLACCKKKK!!! no mor clutch !!
    they said the master cylinder needed to be changed.
    The changeed the bloody piece and guess waht.
    Just when I was turning rigth in the next corner and I wasnt able to
    stop firmly the car as if it were without liquid(is a PT GT)

    Well I took the car to the dealer and the fucking bosster was wrong
    this time..

    Now I 10000 kms after I was driving and suddenly I was without the
    power of the hydraulic system as if I were driving a trailer.

    What can I claim as warranty
    fcouno, Jul 21, 2005
  2. fcouno

    Punch Guest

    you can claim everything under warranty, its under 60,000km!!

    umm clutch and master cylinder?? (they fed you some b.s)
    No brakes is a sure sign of a boost line off near the brake booster...

    check your lines under the hood, get a different mechanic or atleast bring
    someone with you who can speak the same language as the mechanic to
    translate info for you.
    Punch, Jul 22, 2005
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